Apr 2015
10:49pm, 17 Apr 2015
220 posts
Two Ancona eggs on toast with paprika, salt, pepper and italian seasoning with apricot sauce on the toast.... hmmmmm. About 2 hours from lay to eat with about 10 meters of food miles.
Apr 2015
9:39am, 18 Apr 2015
3,259 posts
Pou Pou LePhÔõk
Hann, some of them are going to be owned by friends, but will stay here. I'll let them settle in (they're in a separate house) then integrate them into the main run to meet the existing three (one popped off a while ago).
Apr 2015
9:22pm, 18 Apr 2015
67,800 posts
Like my asparagus with egg on Thursday
I have had an egg a day from Bruna, the Chalkhill Blue, but none from Bianca yet. I know Nera is a few weeks off laying...
I have made quiche with the eggs now
Interesting arrangement Phook, your whole garden will be full of chooks?
Apr 2015
7:21am, 21 Apr 2015
3,260 posts
Pou Pou LePhÔõk
I had put a barrier between them, but they got through it, and are no co-existing (mostly) peacefully. A little bit of argy-bargy, but as their run is quite big, they can avoid each other quite easily most of the time.
Apr 2015
2:07pm, 21 Apr 2015
67,809 posts
Bruna still goig strong, having laid an egg a day. I was working at home yesterday and foudn her egg shortly past mid day, it was warm so now I know when she lays. No sign of any white eggs yet... So she is still the only one laying.
How long would it normally take before chickens lay when they have been moved and aren't called Bruna?
Apr 2015
3:40pm, 21 Apr 2015
4,490 posts
Depends how old they are and whether they had already started laying.
Some will lay for a few days after being moved and then 'sulk' for a week to 10 days. Once they are settled, they will go back into production.
Apr 2015
4:46pm, 21 Apr 2015
67,810 posts
Ok, useful to know Cstar... We don't know if she has laid before. The guy I bought them from caught one of each breed from a large pen. He said the Chalkhill Blues and Light Sussex had started laying. Obviously, impossible for him to know if all Sussex had started laying. It is possible mine wasn't quite there yet... I know the third one is a few weeks off yet, you can see it too as her red bits on her head haven't quite come through yet...
I shall be patient and not worry about her She seems happy enough, eating, drinking, pecking and scratching away.
Do you regular chook keepers pick your chickens up regularly? The guy I bought them from said it would be good to get into the habit of picking them up regularly, so I can check for signs of illness and parasites etc...?
Apr 2015
9:41pm, 27 Apr 2015
3,261 posts
Pou Pou LePhÔõk
Mine get picked up on a regular basis, Hann. Either by me or by miniphook. They don't seem to mind at all.
Apr 2015
10:07pm, 27 Apr 2015
1,796 posts
My incubator and 19 day old eggs arrived at school today. Chicks on Wednesday all being well! The question is do we keep them or send them back with the company who supplies all the kit....?
Apr 2015
10:19pm, 27 Apr 2015
67,853 posts
Chickens are very educational
Bruna, the Chalkhill Blue, keep slaying consistently. She has been with me for 12 days, only had one day off and the day before that she laid a huge double yolker!
No sign of any eggs from Bianca, the Light Sussex yet, even though she should be laying, age wise.
Nera, the Longtown Brown, has started to grow her 'red bits' so is growing closer to maturity and egg laying. Still about 4 weeks off...