Cats in Boxes

2 lurkers | 100 watchers
May 2021
7:51pm, 9 May 2021
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haha love that :)
May 2021
9:04pm, 9 May 2021
9,373 posts
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She may look cute but she's a bloody ninja. Went into room where she was eating. Snapped top off fontline ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF ROOM. Have now lost the bloody cat.
May 2021
9:36pm, 9 May 2021
59,745 posts
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They can smell that stuff like it’s mustard gas. Only open it at the last moment when they are fast asleep and have an assistant ready to hold them firmly.
May 2021
9:56pm, 9 May 2021
21,791 posts
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And all doors shut
May 2021
10:06pm, 9 May 2021
1,810 posts
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Better make sure they can’t dive under the bed...
May 2021
10:20pm, 9 May 2021
24,974 posts
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Lizzie Whizz
I corner mine by the front door when he wants to go out. One hand on the door latch, one hand vaguely squirting!
May 2021
10:54pm, 9 May 2021
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The cat is speaking to me. She's sat on my bed having meowed at me in objection.

The teenager is crying now cos I made his cat sad

The other cat is totally over it.

Same again in a month.

There's a lot to learn isn't there. I think I'm just so keen to get it all right as they deserve to be happy and well cared for and I'm new to all this. Also I've gone all mushy over them. Thanks guys for the reassurance that my struggles are normal.
May 2021
10:58pm, 9 May 2021
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we were traumatised early on but now we just call them losers for sniffing and trying to find the stinkiness when it’s on them. They’ve fallen backwards trying to get at the back of their necks before
May 2021
11:01pm, 9 May 2021
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They need to be more confident in being handled and they are doing famously but we've only had them a fortnight. Am calling my approximation of doing it a win given they came all treated by Cats Protection and they aren't going out for another month.

Lovely the description of vaguely squirting.

Naively hoping next time will be easier.

Their cat auntie has a properly shy adopted cat and assures me it gets easier to do.
May 2021
11:11pm, 9 May 2021
73,298 posts
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I grab Lasya firmly under my arm BEFORE I reach for the fipronil. Then I squeeze her REALLY TIGHTLY between my legs, on the floor, holding her head down with one hand while I decapitate the fipro with my teeth and in one swift move... Place it somewhere roughly at the base of the neck of a squirming cat.
She then goes totally cross eyed trying to look at the wet spot and lick it off...
She generally totally avoids me for 24 hours afterwards and doesn't even want one of those highly addictive stick treats!

About This Thread

Maintained by Corrah
All the cat people out there know that cats love boxes, so go on then and lets see you feline friend. Boxes optional :) This is the cat appreciation thread along with Miaow, Purr, Yawn!

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