Mar 2016
9:59pm, 21 Mar 2016
925 posts
Yep, it's a combination of working out exactly what you're trying to do, then doing it over and over again to build muscle memory, and then trying not to overthink it! (The bloody kids who have their lessons earlier just hurl themselves around while I spend ages trying to work out exactly where the weight transfer should be).
And there is a massive confidence element - like I don't suppose it would work if you walked up to the high jump bar and then tried to hop over it, it's really hard to do things on skates from a standstill - but building up speed is really scary!
Mar 2016
10:03pm, 21 Mar 2016
9,000 posts
I know you are a lot younger than me - but you're a lot older than those pesky kids - and being older DOES make it harder, not to learn but to initially, er, DO!
It is weirdly like high jump - that depends on speed too, but charging at the bar is, yep, scary.
Mar 2016
11:11pm, 21 Mar 2016
926 posts
Learning new things as an adult really is annoyingly difficult (or, more likely, we're not used to being bad at things anymore).
Mar 2016
2:50pm, 22 Mar 2016
8,157 posts
Visited 2 gyms in my lunch-hour for a reccie - the first one reminded me of all the reasons why I hate them, the other might be too expensive. Feeling indecisive...
Mar 2016
8:05pm, 22 Mar 2016
10,656 posts
Update- my side climb does look slightly more elegant and my other moves are definitely improving from previous sessions!
The move I actually nailed tonight involved walking to the pole and spinning round into a seated pose:-)
Mar 2016
9:59pm, 22 Mar 2016
9,003 posts
Oh well done, Girlie - it IS rewarding when dedication produces tangible - or visible! - results.
Mar 2016
10:08pm, 22 Mar 2016
9,004 posts
I experienced two opposing sides of practice this affie.
I know that i have to DO more of all my events if I want to improve - I can;t just think about them or read about them. I thought I was making progress with my long jump but seemed to go backwards today in that I couldn't hit the board.
I have just proved the value of this thread.... I was going to write that practice didn't pay off with the long jump but it has - finally - with my starts. Then I reaised that's because I have practiced my block starts a LOT more. I've gone back to basics and got my set-up right even though I've changed it more than once...
Contrast this with LJ. I STILL haven't nailed the run up. If that's not right then I'm not going to make progress. I have the ability ... I'm just not being dedicated and focused enough.