Buying A Home

1 lurker | 2 watchers
Jun 2016
4:52pm, 1 Jun 2016
19,182 posts
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Red Squirrel
I want to sell my one-bedroomed flat in a nice part of the city and get a 2-bedroomed flat in a cheaper part of the city.

The thought of being in a chain is a little daunting – I haven’t found anywhere to move to yet and already a friend of a friend is interested in buying my flat as an investment property.

Any advice on the nice bits and also the pitfalls gratefully accepted.
Jun 2016
8:29pm, 1 Jun 2016
23,654 posts
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Hello. I have no advice :-( but the thought has occurred to me that people might not be a-visiting this thread is because from the title they think you are buying A Second Home in the country - a bolthole - and are therefore an overmoneyed type! ;-)
Jun 2016
8:35pm, 1 Jun 2016
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JK *chameleon*
I thought exactly what McG said. I also have no advice, as I am still in the terrifying stage of seeking and buying my first place. And am utterly lost with that!
Jun 2016
8:36pm, 1 Jun 2016
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Keefy Beefy
Yep, I can to lay into the infamous 1% but I'll let you off :-)
Jun 2016
8:38pm, 1 Jun 2016
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Yes I must say that's what I thought it was about :-)
My advice would be to be open to viewing properties that don't necessarily fit what you think you want. Sometimes it's only through viewing you're really able to decide whether size is more important than area etc. Also view/walk by at different times of day to see what noise levels, neighbours, traffic etc are like.
Jun 2016
9:24pm, 1 Jun 2016
19,183 posts
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Red Squirrel
I'll start again. Ta folks.
Jun 2016
9:32pm, 1 Jun 2016
19,184 posts
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Red Squirrel
Does anyone know how I delete this thread?
Jun 2016
9:36pm, 1 Jun 2016
19,185 posts
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Red Squirrel
I really agonised over the title but didn't know how else to put it. Couldn't be further than the truth for me. I struggle to make ends meet a lot of the time, but have equity in the flat and would like a garden and to live in a cheaper and more vibrant area where the majority of my friend base is.
Jun 2016
9:36pm, 1 Jun 2016
23,645 posts
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I think you ask Fetch and he will do it
Jun 2016
9:47pm, 1 Jun 2016
19,186 posts
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Red Squirrel
Thanks B; I've sent a message via feedback.

Ta for your tips, B. I've got an area in mind and some secondary areas. A friend has said they'll come with me to hang around in the evening and check out noise levels, people hanging around etc once I've found a potential place. I really need a garden as I want to get a dog. Other than that, I would be happy to live in a converted garage on 2 levels if I liked the feel. (Saw one as I was walking home from work and it looked lovely.)

I'm concerned about the cost of moving:

Stamp duty
Agent's fees (although avoided if I sell to friend of friend)
The usual stuff
Things falling through after you've paid for survey (that's happened to me before)
Anything else?

I've only got £155K so stamp duty will be comparatively low but still £600. There's not much out there but I'm happy to take a wreck and do it up.

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Maintained by Red Squirrel
I want to sell my one-bedroomed flat in a nice part of the city and get a 2-bedroomed flat in a chea...

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