Sep 2018
9:56am, 19 Sep 2018
4 posts
Little Critter
I don't have a problem with the dark per-se (I have a mountain of head torches and hi-viz). I'm more concerned about the undesirables that might be lurking in the dark, in very sparsely populated areas.
Sep 2018
10:12am, 19 Sep 2018
9,813 posts
half a mile is plenty, too much maybes,
You could do 300 fast, 300 recovery and turn.
just plot out our markers and use them every time....
efforts from the lights to the dog poop bin, recover the dog bin to the bench....
efforts from the bench to the bin, recover from the poop bin to the lights end.
and repeat!
Sep 2018
11:08am, 19 Sep 2018
29,205 posts
Hi Little Critter. Welcome to Fetch!
Really just what everyone else said. I'd major on the running club or running group option. I went my local running club 10 years ago about this time of year, but didn't intend to join. I just wanted to know where they ran so that I could find street lit routes or even shout for help!
But they were super friendly, very encouraging, got me into marathons and eventually ultra marathons. I was a member 10 years and made some really good friends - some of them were at my wedding reception!
A club or group may not just be a necessity, but might be a real life opening opportunity?! G
Sep 2018
1:07pm, 19 Sep 2018
5,601 posts
I've got comfortable with running down dark country lanes and the headtorch. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I prefer that to street-lit roads as broadly they are less busy.
I can understand the geography of fear which suggests that some ne-er-do-well will be lurking in the dark of a country lane, but I'd reckon you'd have to be extraordinarily unlucky for those fears to be realised. You're probably more likely to encounter an issue in a well lit area simply because there are more people around, even at quiet times.
But equally what everyone else says makes sense!
Sep 2018
2:40pm, 19 Sep 2018
3,373 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I live in a rural area too and if I’m running on my own I’d far, far rather do that here than in some parts of my nearest town.
I’m not really a fan of running by torchlight because I don’t trust my depth perception so I feel like I’m going to trip up, so I drive the 5 miles to a running group in town where it’s lit.
Sep 2018
9:46pm, 19 Sep 2018
43,100 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
If I’m running in the dark I feel safer somewhere more remote. Plus the real risk would be being run over by a driver anyway...
Sep 2018
10:02pm, 19 Sep 2018
9,815 posts
And you can see car lights better in the dark lanes! So can get out the way x
Sep 2018
10:02pm, 19 Sep 2018
9,816 posts
And you can see car lights better in the dark lanes! So can get out the way x
Sep 2018
8:03pm, 22 Sep 2018
5 posts
Little Critter
Well I’m pleased with myself today. It was raining, the perfect excuse to not bother running today but I was determined to get out, even if it was just a short run to help form the habit.
I was actually feeling pretty ok so continued round the block with a little extra bit to make sure my block was 3 miles, but I miscalculated and just accidentally bagged my first 5km. I know it’s not much of a difference but I was trying to be strict with myself and stick to 3m for the first week so as not to overdo it.
Oct 2018
8:18pm, 7 Oct 2018
10 posts
Little Critter
More questions: When entering your run data and saying whether the route was flat, undulating, hilly etc how do you decide? I see there is a gradient thing which says your route was, say, 10% flat. Is there a guideline for using this to decide if your route was flat / undulating / hilly etc?