Apr 2024
4:46pm, 26 Apr 2024
49,912 posts
I'd def +1 to Paulc's point about "no one method", but a range of things to try and find for yourself what works.
I've seen people post about Injini socks, which I never got on with, double layer socks, again, didn't like those, a club mate used to tape his feet up completely with micro pore or even waterproof like duct tape stuff. Anything "extra" like that was just a risk of rucking up and causing a hot spot for me.
I've seen folk taking shoes and socks off and on a lot, which makes sense for foot wellness, but one of the slowest kit changes you can do in a race.
Not sure why, but lube all over and esp round toes, snug fitting but nice thick, cushioned socks, well fitting shoes with lots of room but which didn't slide around on my foot, all that worked well for me. I had blisters by the end of 100 miles, but not ones that were any worse than the rest of my battered person and not ones that stopped, still running (sort of!) by the end of 100 miles. G