Aug 2013
9:51am, 19 Aug 2013
1,204 posts
Morning I've come to the conclusion that I would like to try and train my 7 year old Labrador up for the Green Man Ultra around Bristol.
This race is about 6 months away and a lot of careful training has to be put in place to get him race fit (there is a possibility 5 miles is his limit which he can currently do)
Any one else run long distances with their dog and if so do you have any advice for getting started
Aug 2013
10:26am, 19 Aug 2013
938 posts
Tarahumara may be able to help, she runs with Bob, a lovely Springer. I know she can cover a bit of distance with Bob but an Ultra?
Is the green man 46 miles?
Aug 2013
10:32am, 19 Aug 2013
1,205 posts
Yes PP not sure he can make it but with the right training who knows. Either way it should be good for him training and getting him back to being trim
Aug 2013
12:45pm, 19 Aug 2013
6,978 posts
Maz Heeps
Gosh, that seems far.....
i'd be inclined to check with a vet as much as any running advice, as Lab's can have poor hips.
does he regularly do walks of any great long distance?
7 isn't old, but it's not young and boundless energy either...
is it an out n back Ultra, maybe consider training him to half way? i know one of the D33 ladies did that here in aberdeen.
I'd wonder at your reasons for wanting to go from 5 to ultra miles? Maybe find some dog friendly shorter distance races.... Altho other than parkrun, i'm not sure you'd be allowed to take him to an event.
My jack russell is 7 years, and he does parkrun and 3 miles regularly, but he needs a 5 hour nap afterwards!!! lol!
Aug 2013
1:19pm, 19 Aug 2013
6,616 posts
I run my dog but as a bit of an old boy we don't do more than 5/6miles
I'd say like us he'd have to build his mileage up slowly bearing in mind he can't tell you of he's struggling so keep a close eye on him training and he will need water and possible snacks too.
For long distance give AdminLiz a shout she runs her dog at least to marathon distance. And also caniX website should be good for info.
Personally I don't think 6 months is long enough to get him to 46mile is there an option to have someone drop him off or collect him part way round?
Aug 2013
1:21pm, 19 Aug 2013
6,617 posts
Notice you say get him back to being trim if he's slightly overweight you will need to be carful with him he might have 4 legs but that doesn't mean he can go 4 times as long or even as far as you. My dogs will run all day but I know they physically cannot do it hence my comment ^ about watching him carefully
Aug 2013
1:22pm, 19 Aug 2013
644 posts
7 feels like he's a bit old to be just starting out on an ultra journey... Especially if he's not that fit at the moment - you talked about him needing to trim down?
Having said that, they are working dogs so with appropriate build up, it may well be possible - good luck!
Aug 2013
1:28pm, 19 Aug 2013
657 posts
old mum
Would you expect a novice 5K runner to start from scratch and do 46 miles in six months time? It would be physically gruelling and potentially dangerous. So why would you expect that of a dog?
Get him vet checked and passed first, then work him up to sensible distances in phases - just like you would do in your own training schedule.
Aug 2013
1:31pm, 19 Aug 2013
1,206 posts
Thanks for the replies
I know this is a bit of a ask and I will not compromise his health to massage my ego so at his pace and distance as dictated by him. Even if I can get him up to a quarter of that distance in 6 months I will see that as a result, moreoever just getting him trim and away from my partner would be good!!
As for the race it goes all the way around Bristol so not a problem (I'm a Bristolian :-))
Aug 2013
1:33pm, 19 Aug 2013
6,979 posts
Maz Heeps
I bet the dog will love it!! Murphy goes in the huff when i go out without him!
Also, be prepared to sacrifice your own speed/progress over this, not sure if you are doing these distances as run of the mill, but ialways find the dog slows me down, distracts me, involves more breaks for popps//sniffs/and general doggery....
(that last part sounds sooooo wrong!!)