Oct 2018
1:56pm, 30 Oct 2018
957 posts
GS - yes, instructions on how to kill an aggressive dog, if really necessary. seemed odd coming from an otherwise seemingly pleasant bearded man (back in the day when beards weren't quite so ubiquitous). hope it never proves necessary.
Oct 2018
3:03pm, 30 Oct 2018
448 posts
LOL George Smiley - no offence taken so no worries re book comment - made me laugh.
I've got friend that used to be a pig farmer. Apparently they too can get quite aggressive at times, and he has a few stories along the same lines when needs must!
Oct 2018
3:19pm, 30 Oct 2018
5,510 posts
I have a lot of experience of dogs as you can imagine, and the problems with them are down to the owner, not the dog. Too many owners view their dogs through rose tinted specs and can't see the attitude it can take towards humans it is familiar with (docile) could be completely different towards strangers (aggressive, will bite).
Running wise, I always give dogs as wide a berth as possible and will look to give them at least 6 feet worth of space just in case one becomes aggressive quickly and takes the owner and myself by surprise. A case of seeing it in the distance and act accordingly bracing myself for anything.
Oct 2018
3:26pm, 30 Oct 2018
449 posts
Cheers Postie - yep can imagine your views are well backed up by lots of experience.
Oct 2018
3:43pm, 30 Oct 2018
17,663 posts
TRO Todd and alligator dodger
Agreed, some huge wolf like creature lunges, rears up and slams its paws against your chest and the owner will he 'oooh he wouldn't bite, he's a big softy'.
Oct 2018
4:10pm, 30 Oct 2018
170 posts
I don't mind, but don't love dogs, but all in all in 10 years running I've had only a handful of bad experiences, which seem entirely proportionate. As runners, I do think we have a duty to make reasonable adjustments (slowing down, detouring etc) when there are dogs, pedestrians, busy roads or anything else in our way. The world is not all a running track. This is especially true when we're in the minority e.g. on a busy footpath.
--I've been bitten once (dog off leash on a coast path); --Twice chased for (no exaggeration) at least 1km by a dog (both times in rural part of the continent) --Fallen over a dog once (it was walking around near its owner off leash, I deviate slightly to avoid it, then at last minute it swerved right in front of me, I tripped/jumped/fell over it onto my arse. No harm done except to my pride).
Cows on the other hand, surrounded, followed and licked me nearly to death on at least one occasion...
Jun 2019
7:30am, 21 Jun 2019
71 posts
Two yappy little curs pursued me on my run last night while their owner was distracted on their mobille phone. I've encountered these two before - it's a shame because most dogs on the rec are fine - had one spaniel bound along playfully but that wasn't an issue, these two might have been.