May 2017
12:15pm, 9 May 2017
3,928 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
ooh fab, Alex! Another good incentive to get off the arse.
I did look at the website at the time, but only the front page and was scared to click further. I dare some to go and have a dig and report back! (chickens, the lot of us!)
Not sure if it is connected to today's posts but someone I've only ever come across on Fetch Trumps has just made me a buddy and is "following" my training (looks around nervously)
May 2017
12:17pm, 9 May 2017
30,936 posts
Your beauty and grace have been noted again ITG Well done Alex! I like that MM
May 2017
12:18pm, 9 May 2017
3,929 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
and high intelligence, ladies. It's all about the mind, of course.
May 2017
12:19pm, 9 May 2017
30,937 posts
I went to a conference thing in the first week of a new job in the civil service. I wasn't sent any invites but at night I was kept awake by noisy sex going on in the rooms either side of mine. In the morning I was looking at all these people in suits wondering who was at it.
May 2017
12:20pm, 9 May 2017
8,715 posts
Thank ITG - that was a much needed funny this morning - and know I'm not looking for the website!
Like the poster MM
excellent Alex
wonders where Slapton sands is - assumes it would involve a drive on the M25...
May 2017
12:36pm, 9 May 2017
10,548 posts
Afternoon - been to Pilates - brilliant class, really enjoyed it. Heating a pasty that needs eating up for lunch. I can't decide whether to do a solo hills session this afternoon - and therefore coach only at club tonight, or do my usual run & coach at the same time trick...
May 2017
12:37pm, 9 May 2017
22,910 posts
Slapton Sands is in South Devon, rh.
May 2017
12:41pm, 9 May 2017
22,911 posts
May 2017
12:41pm, 9 May 2017
5,866 posts
RA - I'm number 8. I only have a low number as I was one of the first entrants (from volunteering last year).
Can't tell you anything else as my plans on what I'm going to wear keep changing (but I will have a green cap)
May 2017
12:42pm, 9 May 2017
5,867 posts
And well done on the free entry