May 2017
6:41pm, 7 May 2017
34,603 posts
Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
ooh la la, la boulangerie c'etait tres loin!
May 2017
6:42pm, 7 May 2017
34,604 posts
Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
A level French was a lonnnng time ago
May 2017
7:32pm, 7 May 2017
8,370 posts
When does the hotel stop serving breakfast? That'd be my only consideration, in your daps?
May 2017
7:35pm, 7 May 2017
12,856 posts
Haven't been on the thread for 36 hours and missed Bint's birthday *hangs head, looks downcast* Happy birthday Bint, nice to have a quiet one, hope NaM's parcel arrived ok and was Exactly What You Wanted.
May 2017
7:37pm, 7 May 2017
35,810 posts
Thank you, Columba
May 2017
7:38pm, 7 May 2017
12,857 posts
Lots and lots of for FP's PB, GC's PB, Kim's parkrun PB, ITG's 1,000km, LG's 1st in age category and RRR's auntie's first parkrun. And everyone else's achievements; I must have missed some.
May 2017
7:41pm, 7 May 2017
12,858 posts
Linds - you can't be in Paris on a Saturday morning and not include a parkrun. You really can't. Just do it, and worry about excuses / apologies afterwards. Like the cat that got the cream. No matter how much he was scolded, he'd still had the cream.
(Where on earth is Knoydart? - don't worry, I'll google it).
May 2017
7:50pm, 7 May 2017
34,607 posts
Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
I googled it earlier, it's in Scotland, looks beautiful
May 2017
7:51pm, 7 May 2017
12,859 posts
4 and three-quarter miles for me, 3 mins run 1 min walk. Knee behaved perfectly, no-one would think it was giving me so much trouble for so many months last year.
Seem to have done 14 miles in May so far, which if I kept it up would give me over 50 miles for the month. But doubt if I shall do quite that much. Away for a long weekend next week, - why am I away for a long weekend? Drumroll..... ......... Eldest Son and his GF (now fiancee) of many years standing are getting married. In Italy. Because she is half Italian and has lots of relatives there.
So, to London Thursday, fly out Friday, wedding Saturday, fly back Monday, home Tuesday.
(My idea of Abroad is me wandering around wide-eyed, looking at things and ooh-ing and aah-ing. Can't quite grasp this jet-out, jet-back two days later concept. I know PP does it all the time).
May 2017
7:54pm, 7 May 2017
35,811 posts