Who Squares Wins!

Play an opponent anywhere in the world! Battle for control of each square in your grid. The player with the most squares wins the match and moves up the rankings.

1v1 Matches

Play an opponent anywhere in the world! Run through your local squares to take control of them and defeat your opponent in our addictive turf war game!


Every seven weeks, the top 128 players take part in a survival of the fittest battle, competing against each other to make the cut for the following week.
The next match begins on 24th Feb 2025. Fight your way into the top 128 players to qualify!

This Week's Top 1v1 Matches

Click a scoreline to view the matches.
Dickie York 116 51 Wallman
RRR-CAZ 🇬🇧 16 170 pbro
AnotherSuccessfulShortcut 10 93 AndyS
Ocelot Spleens 74 64 NDWDave
unsliced 60 135 Shaker
Shadow Walker 15 95 magnumpti
mol 20 69 darl0
Sparky 81 38 Marts
Tumbleweed90 45 60 Sataris

Weekly Efficiency Leaderboard

Bag at least 25 squares in one outing using the least distance.
1 GlennR 10.2sq/mi
2 Irontubs 10.2sq/mi
3 Starlite9 9.8sq/mi
4 Bapfriday 9.8sq/mi
5 Hurlock 9.7sq/mi

Player Rankings

Winning matches earns you ranking points!
1 RunRuss 1536
2 Dickie York 1442
3 RRR-CAZ 🇬🇧 1428
4 AnotherSuccessfulShortcut 1412
5 Wallman 1393
6 pbro 1364
7 StellaFella1967 1317
8 AndyS 1309
9 Ocelot Spleens 1272
10 unsliced 1266

Big Hitters

Cover the most squares in a single training entry.
1 Dickie York 86
2 squeaki..#Ultragrandad 84
3 Shaker 72
4 abelheiro 62
5 Stepford Wife 61

Game Guide

For more information on how to play, read the game guide. And follow our forum thread for help with rules and tactics, or just to trash talk your opponents.

Need A Break?

If you need a week or two off, visit the game settings and look for the 'Need a Break' option. This will not affect any current match that you are in.

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