Jan 2017
12:57pm, 20 Jan 2017
89,414 posts
Cars get abandoned in dystopia novels - it's a trope. Station Eleven is a 'disease-based dystopia' - and cars are abandoned.
Jan 2017
1:02pm, 20 Jan 2017
1,546 posts
I suppose the vehicles get used until the fuel runs out....hence the abandonment.
Jan 2017
1:24pm, 20 Jan 2017
89,416 posts
That's what happens in Station Eleven, certainly.
Not sure why an inability to sleep would cause the petrol to run out mind.
Jan 2017
1:59pm, 20 Jan 2017
20,207 posts
That was my maIn problem with the book, everything broke down too quickly for no compelling reason.
Jan 2017
2:05pm, 20 Jan 2017
89,421 posts
The 'shutting off electronic communications' on day 2 or wherever was a bit pat too.
Jan 2017
2:11pm, 20 Jan 2017
27,681 posts
I don't think that's too bad. He kind of establishes that psychosis sets in for most people at a certain point, if everyone stopped sleeping at the same time.
Jan 2017
2:12pm, 20 Jan 2017
27,682 posts
Sorry that was to Dio.
The electronic shutdown was too early, yes.
Jan 2017
7:19pm, 20 Jan 2017
12,232 posts
Abandoned cars attributable to psychosis? Indirectly?
Indeed, Wyndham is great. I wonder what he's written that I haven't read. Must look him up.
Jan 2017
7:32pm, 20 Jan 2017
27,683 posts
Not quite what I meant. I just mean that there was a predictable timetable for the onset of psychosis, hence the apparently very speedy breakdown of society.
Taking that further I think that would *lead* to petrol running out and cars abandoned. Workers at oil companies, petrol stations, tanker drivers would stop going in. That would have its own downward momentum. Emergency service personnel and the military might be expected to last a bit longer but no-one would be immune.
Would it happen this quickly? Maybe not: he's compressed the time frame a bit I think so he can do a chapter per day like a diary. Generally though I think the logic - though implicit - is fairly sound.