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26/27 APRIL 2014
First back-to-back off-road hilly marathons. Followed a run/walk/shuffle routine. 17TH NOVEMBER 2013 Last long run before taper for Ultra Brecon 40. A bad experience and ended up walking last 3 miles of a 22 mile run. Now all I can do is make up a totally unrealistic 'race' plan for the ultra. 12TH OCTOBER Done Cheddar Marathon and Clarenden Marathon since July in attempt to get back to fitness. Got a cold following Clarenden then did Talibont Trial in Brecon following week. Did it slowly as a practice for Ultra in same territory. Came equal 2nd with a rubbish time. 27TH JULY: Last minute change of heart - off road half sensible, but just to test resolve and mind over matter WILL FINISH the Bath Festival off road marathon tomorrow (with 650m climb - I would find out later that it was 1000m). Normally not a problem, but having rested for three months and since only done one proper long run (17 flat miles), it will be an exciting challenge to get around and I will certainly be struggling from 15 miles. These are the tests that make running exciting and get the adrenalin going. Should be asleep by now but doing some last minute reckying of the route via google earth. Hopefully tonights pasta and rice pudding will see me through. It might be wet on the ground - it's pouring down now. Better put my trail shoes by the door:) Fun to come. I WILL FINISH!!! BUT WILL BE SWEARING AT MYSELF TOMORROW FOR ENTERING THIS ONE APRIL 2013: Exmoor Ultra marathon 29 miles in a quagmire of mud, freezing weather and 1200m climb. 5:35 time. Followed a week later by... A 27 mile x-country training run in a mud bath. Oh yes and freezing cold. Slow but recovery was quick, with no noticable aches and pains. The tricky bit was the two mile flat section along canal at 21 miles, and the bit where I kept losing one shoe then both shoes in the mud. About 5:30 time, plus all the stoppages. Bath Beat 26.5 mile event around Bath area. Hoped for 4:45, finished in 4:35 (equal 1st place) HISTORY: After 7 years of laziness re-started running in 2008. Since then run consistantly. Enjoying the fitness aspect and the challenges. As of 2011 taken it more seriously which saw me with many PBs but not at the crucial Marathon and Half-Marathon distances. That is to come. ACHIEVEMENTS 2011 3rd place in age graded club championship and 4th overall. PBs in 5K, 5M, 10K, 10M Ran a 40mile Ultra, but actually ran 46.75 miles inc. wrong turns 2012 5th place in the Kennet & Avon 21mile trail race (1 minute away from 3rd) Marathon PB - 3:37 beating my previous PB that has stood for 14 years 5K PB - 20:23 - but it didn't register as an official distance ![]() TARGETS 2011 Be fitter and faster than 15 years ago - DONE in Abingdon Marathon 2012 Sub 3:30 marathon - Got a PB of 3:37 beating my 1998 time - that will do 2012 Run 2000 miles in the year - FAILED 2012/13 Sub 1:30 half marathon - very close - got a 1:33 2012/13 Solid 3 month Winter hill training in Yunnan mountainous region of China - DONE 2013 Have another shot at club championship 2013 First place in a race in over 50's category - DONE as equal first overall in Bath Beat 2013 Bath Beat in 4:30 - DONE (ish) - did it in 4:35 2014 Qualify for TDS 113km Mt Blanc Ultra 2015 TDS Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie 113km race with 7150m of climb That is plenty for 2014!!! 2012-Dec to 2013-Feb - Did some very serious hill training for three months in Thailand and China, ready for Bath Beat and Exmoor Marathon. Well prepared but speed training and tempo training lacking. Also most training on concrete roads and beaches - not exactly typical UK off-road terrain so may be slower than expecting in the races, but should have the endurance base. The altitude/climate acclimatisation benefits will only last 3 weeks on return to UK so that will only be of benefit for Exmoor Ultra. However that race should put me in good stead for Bath Beat. HOORAY NOW I CAN REST AND EASE OFF THE RUNNING FOR A FEW WEEKS! 2012-21stOCT - Did the Abingdon marathon that I have been in serious training for 6 months. Hoped to get a PB and if all went well a sub 3:30. IOn target for 3:30 at 22 miles but it was then a lost cause as I was slowing down and yet again suffering from intermittant cramp. Anyway got a PB of 3:37 beating my previously PB of 3:39 that had stood for 14 years. Quite proud of myself:) I know what I did wrong - started serious refueling at 17 miles but my the time it got in my system was at 24 miles which was a bit late for the wall, but did help out in those last couple of miles. Next time will start slowly re-fueling from 13 miles whilst still in the comfort zone. 2012-29thSEPT - Got my last LSR out the way so can now enjoy the taper. However not a brilliant week has gone by since Malmesbury Half as it was supposed to be the highest mileage of the marathon training, but due to a cold and feeling a bit exhausted has quite an easy week. However feel back on track with the 22 mile LSR done with 3 weeks to go. 2012-23rdSEPT - Not quite a PB, but at least a PB of recent years in the Malmesbury Half. Very happy with result but need to shave another couple of minutes off though! ON PB could be on the cards for this Sunday. 2012-SEPT - Training going very well for Abbingdon marathon but still a few doubts about sustaining pace over the last 5 miles following cramp at anything from 17 to 20 miles in a few longer training races. 90% sure of a PB, with about a 50% chance of a sub-3:30. 2012-JULY - So far it has all been slow off-road hills for last two years. Boddington marathon tester - a flat road loop marathon. Idealy would have finished in 3:38, but pace dropped off too early (wall at 17 miles). Stopped at 17 miles when splits were increasing to that beyond PB potential. Hard to drop out, but a good decision as will recover quickly for intensive training schedule. This was a tester anyway and proved I can maintain 8 minute miles which is eventual MP goal. Just need to work on Lactate threshold and better general/pre-race nutrition, to push that 17 mile barrier back to 22 miles or beyond. Have three months before my real marathon attempt so should be achievable. 2012-JUNE - Doing some structured training and gym work. Training schedule excludes hill work though as target race is flat, so weird as I was doing nearly 80% hilly training before this. Finding it very tough but going for an early marathon in week 5 of my 18 week marathon training schedule just to see where I am at and what I still need to do. Will try for a PB but highly unlikely if my training is any gauge as strugling to keep 8:00 minute miles for any distance on my LSRs. My realistic ability is 18 miles at a slower pace, so will be interesting to see how many miles I can maintain an 8:20 pace. 2012 - Training is down on last year. Haven't done any races to speak of until flopped in the Exmoor Ultra despite high hopes. Plagued by my first ever injurys - Shin splint maybe and then a Metatarsal in left foot (horrible like running every stride with a pebble in your shoe). Since then did so so in the Bath Beat but flagged seriously at the end, then better than expected in the Ridgeway40 so should be back on form and now (May) will start a serious structured training programe for a road marathon, with Gym x-training, hills, intervals, tempos, much faster LSRs and the works. It will be very hard doing road running again after all the slow run/walk stuff for the ultra that I concentrated on from Jan to May. But looking forward to a decent 20 week build up to the PB potential of the Abingdon Marathon. Ultimate aim 3:30, but as a fall back on the day will accept 3:38 as a PB. Both will be tough mentally and fitness wise. That is what a challenge is all about:) 16th MAR 2012 - Ultra tomorrow and suffering for last 7 days from a shifting numbness 24/7 in legs causing major discomfort and lack of sleep. Pray it will ease off a few miles in to my ultra or it will be my first DNF. No explanation for this in my internet searches except frequent references to anxiety which I have pretty much dismissed, so have drawn up my own explanation - being that I am tapering the muscles are locking up through inactivity. Still have a metatarsis injured (for at least 5 weeks now) which may or may not be managable. Everything suggested makes it worse, so just hoping time will heal it, but for time being this is secondary in my mind with the leg pains. These recent few weeks feel I'm a winging hypercondriac as have had a good few years injury free and thought I was imune due to my sensible approach to building up fitness. 5th FEB 2012 - I DECLARED MY INJURY 100% RECOVERED so ran 18miles 15th JAN 2012 - INJURED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME ==> VERY INCONVENIENT WITH BIG ULTRA COMING UP IN TWO MONTHS ![]() Occured during a 30mile ultra but only 10 miles in to the run, front tendon hurt like hell. Kept on going to end which was probably foolish. Repeated injury a week later so laid off running completely for 10 days, did RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. The compression appeared to have opposite effect and agrivated it so stopped that. 5TH DECEMBER 2011 - MY FIRST EVER AWARD FOR A PLACING ======================================= CHIPPENHAM HARRIERS LEAGUE - 4TH PLACE OVERALL AND GOT A 3RD PLACE AWARD IN THE WAVA EQUIVALENT. PRETTY FRILLED WITH THAT AS WAS TRAINING FOR DISTANCE AND ALL QUALIFYING RACES WERE SHORT (LESS THAN HALF MARATHON DISTANCE). WILL HAVE A PROPER ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE ON THIS IN 2013 BY INCLUDING SOME STRUCTURED SPECIFIC TRAINING. THIS YEAR WILL BE ULTRAS AND ENDURANCE AGAIN! SO SLOW 12 MINUTE MILE TRAINING EXMOOR ULTRA - SATURDAY 2ND JULY 2011 ============================ Did a 47 mile Ultra - it was scheduled as a 40 mile ultra, but you know, with getting lost and that. Took over 12 hours which seems like (and is) a pedestrian pace. Will have to give it a better attempt next year and be a little more prepared. But if nothing else it was a nice hike along an extremely undulating coastline. Infact there was more climbing than the toughest marathon in Brittain - 2200m compared to 2000m. FINAL UPDATE RELATING TO THE ULTRA - SUNDAY 15TH MAY ======================================== Did a 8 mile recovery run and frew in a 7 minute mile at the end just to make sure the legs had plenty left in them. So with this back-to-backl I have done a 40 MILE ULTRA in 35 hours and 15 minutes. That is a bit slow but it is a PB:) and gives me an easy target for the 40 miler I now intend to do if I can find one that I fancy. It is RunBenRun's fault really that I am even thinking of a 40 miler, as he got me looking at the High Peak 40. It is a bit far off for my liking as I hate the thought of a few more months of intensive training, but I just might... It is strange what difference a day makes, I had virtually given up running in my mind after obtaining my goal yesterday. I read somewhere that having a bad memory is very positive for runners:) You forget the pain and so move on to something more challenging. Now for THE PICNIC - the toughest marathon in the UK... on we go... ULTRA - MARLBOROUGH DOWNS CHALLENGE - 33 MILES - SATURDAY 14 MAY 2011 ===================================================== Woke up at 4am as you do when you are nervous. So had a big feast and ate several rounds of toast with honey, then a banana. Had everything packed, but couldn't get back to sleep so played backgammon on the computer. Had a lot of internet chat about the race so my mind set was pretty good, feeling great and on top of two previous really good nigfhts of sleep couldn't really expect to be in any better shape - 100% prepared in my mind:) Even the weather forecast had drifted from HAIL (forecast for today just 48 hours earlier) to cloudy and a high of 14deg C. I couldn't have ordered it any better. So to the race itself. Soon realised it wasn't a race as such when after a few 100 metres there was a queue for a style - I think there were approximately 200 people in the race and I would judge 50 people in the queue. There was no swearing, queue jumping or adjitation at not being able to get on. I saw some of the runners stop and take photos at this point with runners stopping on the style and posing. So already a 3 minute delay plus I took a toilet break here so maybe 4 minutes. This was when I realised my stupid plan of steady 10:30 minute miles was out the window. I then joined the rest of them and didn't keep much of an eye on the overall time and pace after that - only to check I wasn't going too fast! Then to my second most important strategy which was run 5 minutes and walk 1 minute. The first hill came pretty soon and although I was perfectly capable of running up it, I watched as everyone else walked up, so knew this must be for a reason ie. to preserve energy for later. So I followed suit and walked say 5 minutes. Then my next 5 minute interval came on a down hill - no I wasn't going to spoil a good thing of lifting my feet and falling forward with out any effort, so I skipped that walking break. From thereon I just went how I felt and walked when I thought I could do with some sips of water or a little recovery time. or if I hadn't walked for 10 or 15 minutes. On I went, really enjoying the scenery which was superb. Also enjoying the non-rivalry and chatting with fellow runners every now and a then. Check-points that used to be a thing I quickly grabbed a drink at became welcome breaks to have a short rest at. OK I was at 10 miles then 15, then 19, then 22 and felt like I could continue all day. So this is the joy of ultra I though, and this is why 50 mile and 100 mile events are no harder as you just plod on recovering and eating as you go. Oh dear at 26 miles I hit a wall - only a little one but it brought me down to earth again and my dreams of bigger ultra went completely out of my mind. Now I just had to set my mind on finishing. Checkpoint 7 was such a relief as there was more food and also desparately needed caffeine. I surcumbed to the 'whatever you do dont sit down' principle for avoiding a DNF. Then had a coffee, then had some digestive biscuits then had another coffee, and all the time watching runner after runner go by. But contrary to what I thought I would feel in such a situation, I actually didn't care that I was loosing minute after minute on my race time. I actually appreciated that this was essential to get me to the end. After the second coffee I did have to give myself a little talking to and said ok that is enough, get up now. I got up, the nauseous feeling had subsided slightly, and I felt stronger for the rest, even if it was only in my mind. I later noted I had rested for 14 minutes which was excessive and looking back I would have knocked down two coffees still, but in five minutes. From then on I still felt nauseous and tired for the next two miles doing a 13 min then a 14 min mile. From there-on the caffeine did its job and there was no looking back and although I was taking frequent walking breaks I kept going and indeed felt stronger after each mile. I can't remember now if Avebury was after or before this, but I got lost here and took a track the wrong side of a stream. When I realised I couldn't cross it I had to turn back. A little set back as I didn't really need the extra mileage. The last few miles were almost all down hill except for one relatively short steep climb, so it just ticked by and was quite uneventful as all I then had in my mind was the finish line. Crossing the finish was elating - I had achieved a small dream which was put in to my mind after reading a couple of books by Ranulph Fiennes and Doctor Mike Stroud. In the process I had learned that you never say you can't do something, only that you don't want to - it is all to do with positive thinking. If I wanted to do a 100 mile ultra I believe now that I could. HOWEVER I have absolutely no intension, I couldn't stand the intensive training involved, and the walls you have to run through etc etc, I just wouldn't enjoy it. I hope I don't come back to read this a year later, as I have heard somewhere that this Ultra stuff is addictive. Oh yes the time - I finished in 6:33 which is 3 minutes faster than my prediction, but the time was of absolutely no importance - I FINISHED. NEVER NEVER AGAIN WILL I PUT MYSELF THOUGH THIS THOUGH - I WILL HAVE AN EASY LIFE NOW WITH THE OCCATIONAL HALF MARATHON THROWN IN. I WILL TAKE WEEK LONG BREAKS OF FROM RUNNING WITHOUT CALCULATING AND WORRYING ABOUT THE NEGATIVE BENEFITS AND NUMBER OF WEEKS TO RECUOP THE LOSS. IT WILL BE MUCH MORE FUN Even more strange, I had a little stiffness at the finish but the next day I had absolutely no aches or tiredness. I was ready to train again, and indeed I did. ULTRA TRAINING FINAL UPDATE - FIDAY 13th (uh oh) MAY ===> PRE-RACE DAY It is now 10:30pm the night before the Ultra and surprisingly I have completely rested and had more than enough sleep for the last two days. Have felt the nerves a bit today for whatever reason as it is only a nice day out I keep telling myself. I have been Fmailing and the replies have helped greatly with knowing I am on the right planet in my preparation (not many of my friends would agree with the right planet bit). I have everything packed and planned as I think will work out. Only I don't really have a Plan B if I hit the wall at 16 miles, so I can't let that happen. I have 5 times more food packed than I have ever eaten on a marathon, and I intend to eat most of it. I will also drink more than ever before even when not thirsty, and hopefully combined with a slow 10:15 to 10:30 mile start and walking up the hills, these things alone will get me to the end. Have never felt more prepared than I do so hope it reflects in the run, but you just never know on the day especially when it is new teritory ie. longer distance than ever attempted. That is it now, wake up and get on with it:) and hope to see all the other competitors at the end. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 11th MAY - 3 DAYS TO GO It is so nice going out knowing I shouldn't go far or fast. I did the right thing this time and did just 4 miles at as slow as I felt I could start off at in the Ultra. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 8th MAY 2011 - 6 DAYS TO GO! John wanted to do the Chippenham Half Marathon route today. I was ideally going to do a 10 mile run, but thought the extra 3 would not make a lot of difference and was probably appropriate for doing the Ultra next weekend, so went ahead. His aim however was to do it comparatively quickly and we got him a PB for the route so one of us was very happy. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 2nd MAY 2011 Despite the incredible pain in my legs, decided on doing a Recovery / Back-to-back run following yesterdays matathon even though aching like hell. Went for a very hilly trail route with 200m climb for maximum benefit (that is to say 'benefit' so long as my muscles can fully recover over next two weeks!) Legs were like iron at the start: very heavy and fully loaded with lactic acid and stinging as well as stiff as board, and set off at a walking pace like an old man trying to run, but loosened up by about 2 miles. All due to hitting wall very early on yesterday (probably due to running at a speed unaccustomed to for long runs). However at the end of the 7 miles felt pretty good and could easily have done another 3 or 4 miles if pushed. That is now the hardest run over with until the ultra, so can almost just sit back and see what happens now. I am pretty confident the Ultra should be ok, as I will take a much slower run/walk approach, but will be entering unknown territory so who knows. Will just go as slow as necessary and take more resting/eating breaks without any regards to time - it is seriously a get round job - if it takes 7 hours so be it, as I have no intension of doing a lifetime first DNF - I will save that for THE PICNIC (2000m climb) marathon 4 weeks after the ultra. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 1st MAY 2011 - NORTH DORSET VILLAGE MARATHON training run: Expected to do an easy marathon and at least match my PB of 15 years ago of 3:38. Went flat out from the gun with 7:40 minute miles so was well ahead and easily on track (as 99% of marathon runners will tell you about their own targets) say up until 16 miles, then it all went wrong and I crashed and staggered to the end like a first timer doing 12 minute then 13 minute then 14 minute miles. So much for an easy training run. Now this leaves me with a dilema - do I run tomorrow as my final back-to-back and risk further muscle damage that cannot repair in time for the Ultra in 2 weeks or just go easy for two weeks. It's a difficult one as the last three weeks have effectively been lost due to exhaustion and fever, so I think I will have to give it all for the back-to-back and get a few more short runs and one say 12 miles with a week to go. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 24th APRIL 2011 - After a 7 day lay off, very glad to get out and do a 10 mile run without feeling too bad. Hoping that will keep my legs going until my marathon next week. STILL IN TWO MINDS AS TO GO ALL OUT IN THE MARATHON FOR A GOOD TIME AND RISK JEOPODISING THE ULTRA TWO WEEKS LATER, OR TO USE IT AS A BACK-TO-BACK TRAINING SESSION AT VERY SLOW PACE AND PRACTICE EATING WHILST RUNNING ETC. I THINK THE COMMON SENSE APPROACH WOULD BE TO TAKE IT AS A TRAINING RUN, SO NOT BEING VERY SENSIBLE WILL PROBABLY RACE FLAT-OUT! ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 22nd APRIL 2011 - Don't know if everything has caught up with me from three months of intensive/progressive training, or it is just bad luck, but I suffered a horrible fever this week and couldn't do anything. Bad timing as I have a marathon in 9 days:) I did do 1km on the treadmill though but that was exhausting. This was to be my tapering week, but going from a 60 mile week to a one killometer week is taking tapering a bit too far! ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 18th APRIL 2011 - Last few days did a 12 mile and a 9 mile run, whereas I was planning to do a final long (18mile) run before my marathon in 3 weeks. Realise now that I am still recovering from the 38 mile back-to-back, as felt quite tired on both these runs. ULTRA TRAINING UPDATE 11th APRIL 2011 - Feeling a little stiff from the 38 mile back-to-back ending Sunday. But by the evening feeling fully recovered, so all in all took one-and-a-half days following Sundays run to fully recover (2.5 days from the 28 mile run) which I am quite pleased with. However will start tapering now for my road marathon in three weeks, and maybe use that as my final back-to-back weekend before the Ultra two weeks after that. All seems to be going a little too well. TRAINING UPDATE 10th APRIL 2011 - TRAINING FOR ULTRA 5 WEEKS TO GO Did the Bath Beat yesterday. This was part of my training for a 33 mile 'ultra'. The distance run was 27.8 miles, with the idea being I run the other part of the back-to-back today. It was an off-road hilly course, so the fact I finished should get me around the ULTRA. Despite lots of hydration and cakes still hit the wall around 25 mile mark, put generally pleased with outcome - not fast, not easy, but not the worst ever! Feel 50% recovered at 4am. Have a bog standard road marathon in three weeks, so hope to do that one easily without suffering (famous last words). TRAINING UPDATE 3rd APRIL 2011 - TRAINING FOR MARATHON WEEK 13 of 16 Doing nearly all off-road now with plenty of hills incorporated, but still doing a fast run in the week. My recovery has improved a lot over the last two weeks when I was exhausted from back-to-backs. Did a very hilly off-road 19 mile run and felt fine after it. Plan to do a LDWA 26.5 mile run at a slow pace next Saturday (The Bath Beat) as further off-road training and as part of my first proper back-to-back runs for three weeks (I intend to follow it up the next day with 10 or 11 mile run). This is going to be the best indication yet as to wether or not I am ready for the 33 mile Ultra following 5 weeks after this planned back-to-back. My mind is not on the forthcoming North Dorset Village Marathon now as I am going to use this only as training but will push it a bit to schedule a 4 hour finish which should be relatively easy. I will change the title on the next update to ULTRA TRAINING WEEK X OF Y. I have incorporated a lot of advice from Ultra pro's, ie. back-to-backs and consuming Whey Protein immediately after long runs to aid muscle recovery. Can't say I know if it makes any difference, but haven't had any muscle soreness so far - just slightly tired legs occationally. TRAINING UPDATE 25th MARCH 2011 - TRAINING FOR MARATHON WEEK 11 of 16 After two back-to-backs in successive weeks I felt totally exhausted and couldn't recover properly for further runs, so last week reverted to a single long run but added some hills in to it plus it was all trail - something I have never done. My pace went down from a normal 9:45 to 12:30. Was very surprised at the slow pace but partly down to map reading along the way. Repeated a different trail run today with a far bigger hill this time and upped the distance to 20 miles. Pace was still slow at 12:00 per mile but the legs really felt it which I think is good? Still plan to slot some back-to-backs in once my general fittness improves which should happen with the long hilly trail runs. Also getting the re-hydration right and refueling with energy bars and bananas, and this seems to help a lot. TRAINING UPDATE 7th MARCH 2011 - TRAINING FOR MARATHON WEEK 8 of 16 Done my first BACK-TO-BACK long runs - 20 miles / 10 miles. Hope to do a few more as they help the endurance aspect required for the marathon. It was easy infact as I did a run/walk ratio of 5 minutes / 1 minute, and still came in with 10 minute miles. Could have gone so much faster but prevented myself from doing so! Will start thinking about hill training pretty soon as I am lacking in this. TRAINING UPDATE 19th FEB 2011 - TRAINING FOR MARATHON WEEK 7 of 16 Looking at course for next weeks TERMINATOR 11 - looks a bit frightening with the hills up to the white horse at Pewsey. Have to get a 21 mile run in this week before that race. so will hopefully get it in early in the week and do it at an even slower pace than ever. TRAINING UPDATE 13TH FEB 2011 - TRAINING FOR MARATHON WEEK 6 of 16 Did a 10 mile race. Was going to aim for a slow start to warm up then get into 8 minute miles for as far as possible then maybe slow down at end. BUT AS ALWAYS the race plan got torn to pieces on the start line. Set off really fast (for me at least) at a pace of about 7:10. Kept someone in sight who seemed to be maintaining this speed on a steady basis. Managed to reel him in about 7 mile mark, and got chatting (Bryan Elliot from Avon Valley Runners), which seemed to help when fatigue started it's job. We finished virtually together keeping up the pace right to the end. Was very pleased with the time of 73:42. TRAINING UPDATE 9TH FEB 2011 - MARATHON TRAINING WEEK 5 OF 16 - 20 MILE TRAINING RUN STRUGGLED SERIOUSLY FROM MILE 15 AS CAN BE SEEN FROM SPLITS. HAVE PREVIOUSLY DONE 19 MILES WITH ENERGY LEFT. TODAYS PROBLEMS WERE PROBABLY DUE TO 6 MILE SPEED TRAINING LATE LAST NIGHT AND ONLY 5.5 HOURS SLEEP (AND ALSO NOT ENOUGH SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE). HOWEVER I WAS WELL HYDRATED AND CARBO LOADED SO STILL A LITTLE SURPRISED. STARTED FEELING VERY COLD AND STOOPED DOWN FEELING GROTTY AND SLEEP DEPRIVED. I ATE A FEW JELLY BEANS WHICH DID NOTICABLY GIVE A SLIGHT BOOST FOR A FEW MILES AT THE END. NEXT TIME (2 WEEKS LATER) I WILL BE BETTER PREPARED ELSE I WILL POSTPONE THE RUN 1 OR 2 DAYS TO MAXIMISE BENEFIT - AND WILL SLOW DOWN FROM THE START TO 10 MINUTE MILES UNTIL THE DISTANCE IS SECOND NATURE! I WILL GET THERE!!!!! ONCE GOT TO THIS STAGE AIM TO DO SOME BACK-TO-BACKS EG. 12 AND 20 MILES IN CONSECUTIVE DAYS TO SIMULATE THE WALL EFFECT AND HOPEFULLY INCREASE THE LACTATE THRESHOLD. IT SEEMS THIS IS ULTRA-MARATHONING TACTICS SO SHOULD SET ME UP FOR 26.2 MILES DISTANCE WITHOUT ANY DEGREDATION AT THE END - ALL VERY NICE IN THEORY:) Show More...
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Dist | Races | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | PB | WB |
0.1km | 1 | 16 69.06 |
69.06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1mi | 2 | 5:51 80.76 |
80.76 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
2.6mi | 3 | 19:21 63.77 | 19:16 65.70 | 18:42 70.73 |
70.73 | ||||||||||||||||||||
4.2km | 2 | 18:56 70.76 |
70.76 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5km | 103 | 22:41 62.89 | 21:02 68.35 | 20:23 71.09 | 25:24 57.50 | 22:43 65.34 | 22:30 65.97 | 22:53 65.93 | 22:44 66.92 | 21:26 71.57 | 21:10 72.47 | 20:58 73.78 | 20:45 75.19 | 20:42 76.02 | 19:48 80.16 | 29:22 54.52 |
80.16 | ||||||||
4.2mi | 2 | 37:30 57.43 | 34:48 62.44 |
62.44 | |||||||||||||||||||||
4.7mi | 1 | 38:44 61.56 |
61.56 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5mi | 13 | 40:20 57.11 | 33:30 69.89 | 40:26 59.36 | 38:16 63.25 | 38:27 64.03 | 38:01 65.32 | 38:53 64.41 |
69.89 | ||||||||||||||||
9.2km | 1 | 46:22 61.98 |
61.98 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6mi | 1 | 49:20 59.12 |
59.12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10km | 42 | 42:16 69.12 | 50:10 59.22 | 45:48 65.98 | 48:24 62.44 | 47:41 64.48 | 45:13 68.60 | 44:35 69.67 | 43:25 72.08 | 48:27 65.17 | 42:30 74.97 | 43:11 74.45 | 42:48 75.81 |
75.81 | |||||||||||
10.3km | 1 | 49:47 62.58 |
62.58 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11km | 3 | 1:05:51 50.20 | 1:05:18 51.95 | 58:32 58.47 |
58.47 | ||||||||||||||||||||
11.1km | 1 | 55:23 64.09 |
64.09 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7mi | 1 | 1:08:16 51.38 |
51.38 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
7.2mi | 1 | 55:36 61.68 |
61.68 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12km | 8 | 56:53 62.13 | 1:08:38 52.82 | 1:03:27 60.80 | 59:57 64.93 | 1:03:41 61.70 |
64.93 | ||||||||||||||||||
12.4km | 1 | 1:06:51 60.73 |
60.73 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8mi | 3 | 57:55 66.24 | 1:12:55 54.94 | 1:19:15 53.89 |
66.24 | ||||||||||||||||||||
8.2mi | 1 | 1:23:24 48.43 |
48.43 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9mi | 9 | 1:28:45 50.59 | 1:16:19 60.44 | 1:13:20 64.66 | 1:16:45 61.79 | 1:14:42 64.08 | 1:16:36 63.69 |
64.66 | |||||||||||||||||
9.2mi | 1 | 1:22:32 59.34 |
59.34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10mi | 7 | 1:13:36 65.13 | 1:51:18 44.98 | 1:18:05 64.69 | 1:15:24 67.59 | 1:17:06 66.71 | 1:13:50 71.63 | 1:14:32 73.01 |
73.01 | ||||||||||||||||
10.3mi | 1 | 1:33:42 57.94 |
57.94 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11mi | 1 | 2:33:00 34.65 |
34.65 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12mi | 3 | 2:29:37 39.85 | 2:03:40 48.64 |
48.64 | |||||||||||||||||||||
20km | 1 | 2:59:41 38.13 |
38.13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12.5mi | 5 | 1:58:56 53.75 | 1:41:34 64.11 | 1:44:48 63.90 | 1:48:28 62.34 | 1:49:04 63.21 |
64.11 | ||||||||||||||||||
12.8mi | 1 | 1:48:48 64.37 |
64.37 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
13.1mi | 36 | 1:31:21 63.37 | 1:47:58 57.55 | 2:05:00 50.13 | 1:51:53 56.49 | 1:35:16 67.50 | 1:32:24 69.59 | 2:02:39 52.89 | 1:51:51 58.51 | 1:48:08 62.17 | 1:36:58 69.97 | 1:34:45 72.27 | 1:33:36 73.84 | 1:34:15 74.73 | 1:35:30 73.75 | 1:44:48 67.85 | 1:37:49 73.41 |
74.73 | |||||||
13.1mi | 1 | 1:45:07 65.20 |
65.20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14.2mi | 1 | 2:24:37 49.12 |
49.12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
17.5mi | 1 | 3:39:46 40.79 |
40.79 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30km | 5 | 2:39:52 57.74 | 2:59:42 51.83 | 4:00:00 41.40 | 3:52:59 43.48 | 4:02:41 42.58 |
57.74 | ||||||||||||||||||
20mi | 9 | 2:39:30 66.66 | 2:47:37 65.30 | 2:35:42 70.99 | 2:39:25 70.03 | 2:48:26 66.95 |
70.99 | ||||||||||||||||||
21mi | 3 | 2:50:52 61.52 | 3:04:38 57.45 | 5:36:05 34.69 |
61.52 | ||||||||||||||||||||
25mi | 1 | 4:30:12 47.77 |
47.77 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26.1mi | 1 | 6:24:00 35.19 |
35.19 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26.2mi | 27 | 4:07:30 48.68 | 3:39:48 54.82 | 3:42:36 54.13 | 3:45:04 53.65 | 4:19:30 47.07 | 5:03:41 43.08 | 3:52:26 56.80 | 3:37:13 61.33 | 4:25:49 50.57 | 7:41:33 29.95 | 3:35:22 66.05 | 3:27:19 69.96 | 3:28:16 70.34 | 3:37:52 67.92 | 3:33:31 70.01 |
70.34 | ||||||||
26.2mi | 1 | 5:02:11 49.51 |
49.51 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26.5mi | 6 | 5:18:25 42.02 | 4:35:27 49.46 | 7:13:32 32.01 | 5:30:09 43.66 | 7:09:19 35.29 |
49.46 | ||||||||||||||||||
26.6mi | 1 | 7:09:00 32.49 |
32.49 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
26.7mi | 2 | 6:32:00 35.39 | 6:51:00 34.07 |
35.39 | |||||||||||||||||||||
27mi | 1 | 5:51:55 40.32 |
40.32 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
29mi | 1 | 5:36:07 45.05 |
45.05 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30mi | 4 | 6:23:00 40.75 | 6:53:54 38.41 |
40.75 | |||||||||||||||||||||
31mi | 1 | 7:07:29 39.35 |
39.35 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50km | 2 | 7:51:21 35.44 |
35.44 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
32mi | 1 | 9:58:32 31.70 |
31.70 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
33mi | 4 | 6:33:50 44.33 | 6:08:37 54.18 |
54.18 | |||||||||||||||||||||
35.4mi | 1 | 9:58:25 36.21 |
36.21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
36mi | 1 | 9:42:00 34.54 |
34.54 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
40mi | 3 | 12:12:00 31.39 |
31.39 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
72km | 1 | 12:26:07 38.97 |
38.97 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
46.7mi | 1 | 12:21:39 36.52 |
36.52 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
47.5mi | 1 | 13:13:02 36.12 |
36.12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
50mi | 2 | 10:59:50 47.95 | 14:57:00 37.06 |
47.95 | |||||||||||||||||||||
52mi | 1 | 20:11:00 26.76 |
26.76 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
66.1mi | 1 | 24:00:00 30.32 |
30.32 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
71.2mi | 1 | 18:37:53 43.14 |
43.14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
100mi | 1 | 22:05:11 59.08 |
59.08 |
Date | Planned Races | Distance | ||
1 Mar | Tokyo Marathon | 26.2mi | ||
15 Jun | Montane Summer Spine Confirmed | 268mi | ||
27 Apr | London Marathon Confirmed | 26.2mi | ||
2025 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
9 Mar | Slaughterford 9 SB | 1:16:36 | 63.69 | 9mi |
2 Mar | Imber Ultra PB | 6:08:37 | 54.18 | 33mi |
16 Feb | Bramley 20 SB | 2:48:26 | 66.95 | 20mi |
9 Feb | The Wiltshire 10 SB | 1:14:32 | 73.01 | 10mi |
2 Feb | XNRG Pilgrims Challenge Day 2 | 7:41:32 | 43.27 | 33mi |
1 Feb | XNRG Pilgrims Challenge Day 1 | 9:31:20 | 34.95 | 33mi |
26 Jan | Stonehenge Stomp 20k PB | 2:59:41 | 38.13 | 20km |
2024 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
29 Dec | Plain Crazy SB | 1:49:04 | 63.21 | 12.5mi |
3 Nov | New York Marathon | 3:39:22 | 68.14 | 26.2mi |
12 Oct | Potter Around the Otter SB | 14:57:00 | 37.06 | 50mi |
29 Sep | Berlin Marathon | 3:43:43 | 66.81 | 26.2mi |
15 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon SB | 1:37:49 | 73.41 | 13.1mi |
27 Aug | Lacock Relays Handicap Final PB | 18:56 | 70.76 | 4.2km |
18 Aug | LDWA Dorset Doddle PB | 9:58:32 | 31.70 | 32mi |
23 Jul | Lacock Relays Heat 3 | 19:07 | 70.08 | 4.2km |
6 Jul | Cotswold Way Relay Leg 5 | 1:53:31 | 51.12 | 10.72mi |
3 Jul | Chippenham River Run SB | 29:22 | 54.52 | 5km |
16 Jun | Montane Summer Spine | 268mi | ||
4 May | Marlborough Downs Challenge - 20 miles | 3:42:09 | 50.26 | 20mi |
28 Apr | Pewsey DownsAround 35 PB | 9:58:25 | 36.21 | 35.4mi |
27 Apr | The Bath Beat SB | 7:09:19 | 35.29 | 26.5mi |
21 Apr | London Marathon SB | 3:33:31 | 70.01 | 26.2mi |
24 Mar | Hullavington 20 SB | 2:39:25 | 70.03 | 20mi |
23 Mar | Frampton Globe Trot SB | 1:19:15 | 53.89 | 8mi |
11 Feb | Bramley 20 | 2:58:45 | 62.46 | 20mi |
4 Feb | Brecon to Cardiff Xtreme PB | 12:26:07 | 38.97 | 72km |
28 Jan | Stonehenge Stomp 30k SB | 4:02:41 | 42.58 | 30km |
14 Jan | Riverbank Rollick | 1:24:04 | 62.79 | 9.8mi |
2023 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
30 Dec | Plain Crazy PB | 1:48:48 | 64.37 | 12.8mi |
16 Dec | Christmas Celtic Marathon PB | 5:02:11 | 49.51 | 26.22mi |
26 Nov | Yarnbury Yomp | 54:08 | 60.50 | 10km |
5 Nov | Over the Hills 12KM SB | 1:03:41 | 61.70 | 12km |
22 Oct | White Horse Gallop PB | 1:06:51 | 60.73 | 12.38km |
14 Oct | Poole parkrun | 22:21 | 71.02 | 5km |
8 Oct | Chicago Marathon SB | 3:37:52 | 67.92 | 26.2mi |
24 Sep | Bath Circuit Walk/Run SB | 5:36:05 | 34.69 | 21mi |
23 Sep | Bowcock Monumental Marathon | 6:05:17 | 40.51 | 26.2mi |
17 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon SB | 1:44:48 | 67.85 | 13.1mi |
16 Sep | Cheddar Gorge Road Race - 5km PB | 19:48 | 80.16 | 5km |
12 Jul | Chippenham River Run | 24:12 | 65.59 | 5km |
1 Jul | cotswold way relay leg 9 PB | 1:22:32 | 59.34 | 9.2mi |
27 Jun | Lacock Relays - Jun qualifiers PB | 18:42 | 70.73 | 2.6mi |
7 May | Hampshire Hilly Hundred | 7:22:29 | 100mi | |
1 May | Milton Keynes marathon | 3:48:35 | 64.73 | 26.2mi |
16 Apr | Lightning Bolt 10K - Race 2 SB | 42:48 | 75.81 | 10km |
26 Mar | Bath Skyline 10km | 25:00:01 | 2.16 | 10km |
19 Mar | Hullavington 20 PB | 2:35:42 | 70.99 | 20mi |
18 Mar | Frampton Globe Trot | 8mi | ||
18 Mar | Roundway Revenge | 8mi | ||
26 Feb | Bowerhill Bomber (Winter) 10k | 47:12 | 68.75 | 10km |
12 Feb | SMaRTT Smasher 10K | 45:27 | 71.39 | 10km |
5 Feb | The Lungbuster | 1:19:59 | 59.84 | 9mi |
22 Jan | Slaughterford 9 SB | 1:14:42 | 64.08 | 9mi |
2022 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
30 Dec | Plain Crazy SB | 1:48:28 | 62.34 | 12.5mi |
4 Dec | Valencia Marathon | 3:36:00 | 68.50 | 26.2mi |
27 Nov | Yarnbury Yomp | 52:04 | 62.32 | 10km |
13 Nov | Mo Run Ashton Court | 51:51 | 62.01 | 10km |
6 Nov | Over the Hills 12KM | 1:01:45 | 63.04 | 12km |
30 Oct | Calne Clock Change Challenge 10K SB | 43:11 | 74.45 | 10km |
25 Sep | Great Bristol half marathon SB | 1:35:30 | 73.75 | 13.1mi |
18 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 1:42:16 | 68.87 | 13.1mi |
16 Aug | Heddington 5K Series - Race 3 | 21:33 | 73.02 | 5km |
13 Aug | Severn Bridge parkrun | 21:11 | 74.28 | 5km |
10 Aug | The Hilly Helmet Challenge PB | 34:48 | 62.44 | 4.25mi |
6 Aug | Chippenham parkrun #359 | 21:02 | 74.81 | 5km |
31 Jul | The Uffington White Horse Gallop | 2:14:05 | 52.53 | 13.1mi |
23 Jul | Chippenham parkrun #359 | 20:51 | 75.47 | 5km |
6 Jul | Chippenham River Run | 22:13 | 70.83 | 5km |
26 Jun | Giants Head Half Marathon | 2:15:46 | 51.88 | 13.1mi |
15 Jun | AVR Westbury 5K– Race 2 | 21:26 | 73.42 | 5km |
9 Jun | Mob Match - Over the Hills reversed SB | 59:57 | 64.93 | 12km |
5 Jun | Fairford 10k | 53:30 | 60.10 | 10km |
15 May | Hullavington Half Marathon | 1:39:45 | 70.61 | 13.1mi |
30 Apr | Chippenham parkrun #229 SB | 20:42 | 76.02 | 5km |
18 Apr | Boston Marathon SB | 3:28:16 | 70.34 | 26.2mi |
27 Mar | Calne Clock Change Challenge 5K | 21:12 | 74.22 | 5km |
27 Mar | Calne Clock Change Challenge 10K | 43:52 | 73.29 | 10km |
19 Mar | 20 & 1/2 Fission | 20mi | ||
6 Mar | Hullavington 20 SB | 2:47:37 | 65.30 | 20mi |
27 Feb | The Terminator PB | 1:33:42 | 57.94 | 10.25mi |
13 Feb | SMaRTT Smasher 10K | 46:47 | 68.73 | 10km |
6 Feb | Lung Buster | 1:24:26 | 60.70 | 9.7mi |
30 Jan | Stonehenge Stomp 30k SB | 3:52:59 | 43.48 | 30km |
16 Jan | Slaughterford 9 SB | 1:16:45 | 61.79 | 9mi |
2021 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
29 Dec | Plain Crazy SB | 1:44:48 | 63.90 | 12.5mi |
19 Dec | Hullavington Secret Santa Run SB | 1:13:50 | 71.63 | 10mi |
12 Dec | Dorney Lake Half Marathon /21 Races - December SB | 1:34:15 | 74.73 | 13.1mi |
5 Dec | Bromham Pudding Run | 43:57 | 73.16 | 10km |
28 Nov | AVR Wiltshire Half Marathon | 1:36:18 | 73.14 | 13.1mi |
21 Nov | Avebury8 Nine PB | 1:13:20 | 64.66 | 9mi |
18 Nov | Dark River 5 PB | 38:44 | 61.56 | 4.65mi |
13 Nov | Chipping Sodbury parkrun | 21:01 | 74.23 | 5km |
7 Nov | Over the Hills 12KM SB | 1:03:27 | 60.80 | 12km |
6 Nov | The Old Showground Park Run | 21:02 | 74.18 | 5km |
31 Oct | Westonbirt House Autumn 10k | 44:30 | 71.60 | 10km |
24 Oct | Newport Marathon | 3:28:59 | 69.41 | 26.2mi |
5 Sep | Carnival Chase 10K | 46:08 | 69.06 | 10km |
11 Aug | The Hilly Helmet Challenge SB | 37:30 | 57.43 | 4.25mi |
7 Aug | Ridgeway 40 | 9:39:56 | 42.36 | 40mi |
28 Jul | Chippenham River Run | 22:54 | 68.13 | 5km |
22 Jul | Mob Match - Over the Hills reversed | 1:03:58 | 60.30 | 12km |
22 Jul | Over the Hills 12KM | 1:03:58 | 60.30 | 12km |
24 Jun | Great Chalfield 10k | 45:01 | 70.78 | 10km |
29 May | Bratton Hilly 11k PB | 55:23 | 64.09 | 11.1km |
25 Apr | The Malford Marathon PB | 3:27:19 | 69.96 | 26.2mi |
10 Apr | Foxham Lockdown Virtual 5K SB | 20:45 | 75.19 | 5km |
9 Apr | CRC Virtual One Mile Time Trial PB | 5:51 | 80.76 | 1mi |
28 Feb | BMAF One Mile | 5:59 | 78.96 | 1mi |
3 Jan | Melksham Town FC 10k SB | 42:30 | 74.97 | 10km |
2020 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
18 Oct | Hullavington Half Marathon SB | 1:33:36 | 73.84 | 13.1mi |
4 Oct | Devizes half marathon | 1:39:39 | 69.35 | 13.1mi |
16 Aug | Frogwell bridge (not)parkrun SB | 20:58 | 73.78 | 5km |
29 Jul | Foxham (not)parkrun | 21:14 | 72.86 | 5km |
2 Jul | Chippenham Stanley to Maud Heat not(parkrun) | 21:29 | 72.01 | 5km |
31 May | Centurion One Community 5K | 21:02 | 73.55 | 5km |
2 Feb | Longleat 10k SB | 48:27 | 65.17 | 10km |
26 Jan | Stonehenge Stomp 30k SB | 4:00:00 | 41.40 | 30km |
2019 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
7 Nov | Dark River 5 | 42:09 | 59.42 | 5mi |
2 Nov | Gloucester track 24 hour | 101mi | 24hr | |
2 Nov | Gloucester 24 Hour Track Race 100 Miles PB | 22:05:11 | 59.08 | 100mi |
27 Oct | Clock Change Challenge SB | 43:25 | 72.08 | 10km |
5 Oct | Saltmarsh Ultra 50 PB | 10:59:50 | 47.95 | 50mi |
29 Sep | Devizes 10k | 44:56 | 69.65 | 10km |
8 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon SB | 1:34:45 | 72.27 | 13.1mi |
27 Jun | Great Chalfield 10K | 45:28 | 68.83 | 10km |
22 Jun | Chippenham parkrun #266 | 21:43 | 70.64 | 5km |
15 Jun | Broad Town 5 Mile SB | 38:53 | 64.41 | 5mi |
11 Jun | Heddington 5K | 22:06 | 69.41 | 5km |
6 Jun | AVR Steeple Ashton 5K Series | 26:43 | 57.42 | 5km |
19 May | VIVAWEST Gelsenkirchen Half Marathon PB | 1:45:07 | 65.20 | 13.11mi |
18 May | Volksgarten parkrun | 22:22 | 68.58 | 5km |
14 May | Heddington 5K | 29:54 | 51.30 | 5km |
12 May | Hullavington Half Marathon | 2:37:10 | 43.57 | 13.1mi |
2 May | AVR Steeple Ashton 5K Series | 44:42 | 34.32 | 5km |
27 Apr | The Bath Beat SB | 5:30:09 | 43.66 | 26.5mi |
19 Apr | Good Friday 10 SB | 1:17:06 | 66.71 | 10mi |
14 Apr | Brighton Marathon SB | 3:35:22 | 66.05 | 26.2mi |
7 Apr | Lung Buster | 1:21:00 | 56.95 | 9mi |
31 Mar | Clock Change Challenge 10K | 45:07 | 69.36 | 10km |
16 Mar | 20/20 Fission | 2:43:25 | 65.07 | 20mi |
17 Feb | Bramley 20 SB | 2:39:30 | 66.66 | 20mi |
27 Jan | Slaughterford 9 SB | 1:16:19 | 60.44 | 9mi |
12 Jan | Aberbeeg parkrun | 5km | ||
1 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #243 SB | 21:10 | 72.47 | 5km |
2018 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
30 Dec | Plain Crazy PB | 1:41:34 | 64.11 | 12.5mi |
29 Dec | Chippenham parkrun | 21:40 | 70.80 | 5km |
22 Dec | Chippenham parkrun #240 SB | 21:26 | 71.57 | 5km |
16 Dec | Westonbirt 10k | 44:55 | 69.67 | 10km |
15 Dec | Chippenham parkrun #239 | 22:09 | 69.26 | 5km |
9 Dec | Avon Somerset and Wiltshire cross country championships | 49:53 | 62.74 | 10km |
1 Dec | Chippenham parkrun #229 | 21:48 | 70.37 | 5km |
25 Nov | Wickstead Wander 10 PB | 46:22 | 61.98 | 9.2km |
17 Nov | Chippenham parkrun #229 | 21:38 | 70.91 | 5km |
10 Nov | Chippenham parkrun #228 | 22:22 | 68.01 | 5km |
3 Nov | Southwick Park Run | 21:50 | 69.68 | 5km |
21 Oct | Abingdon Marathon | 26.2mi | ||
14 Oct | Grittleton 10km SB | 44:35 | 69.57 | 10km |
7 Oct | Salisbury Half Marathon SB | 1:36:58 | 69.97 | 13.1mi |
30 Sep | Brinkworth Bash | 47:07 | 65.83 | 10km |
29 Sep | Chippenham parkrun #228 | 21:31 | 70.70 | 5km |
15 Sep | Chippenham parkrun #226 | 22:07 | 68.78 | 5km |
9 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 1:41:04 | 67.13 | 13.1mi |
22 May | Lacock Relays SB | 19:16 | 65.70 | 2.6mi |
19 May | Chippenham park run #210 | 22:58 | 66.24 | 5km |
12 May | Bratton Hilly 11k PB | 58:32 | 58.47 | 11km |
29 Apr | Compton Bassett 5 SB | 38:01 | 65.32 | 5mi |
8 Apr | Devizes Half Marathon | 1:51:15 | 60.99 | 13.1mi |
17 Mar | Chippenham parkrun #201 (alt course) | 23:48 | 63.92 | 5km |
11 Mar | The Big Cheese | 2:41:31 | 48.21 | 15mi |
10 Mar | Chippenham parkrun #200 (alt course) | 24:40 | 61.67 | 5km |
25 Feb | The Terminator | 1:54:58 | 53.75 | 12mi |
17 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #198 (alt course) | 23:06 | 65.86 | 5km |
11 Feb | Wiltshire 10 SB | 1:15:24 | 67.59 | 10mi |
10 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #197 (alt course) | 24:13 | 62.82 | 5km |
3 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #196 | 24:41 | 61.63 | 5km |
28 Jan | Slaughterford 9 | 9mi | ||
27 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #195 | 23:30 | 64.73 | 5km |
20 Jan | Chippenham park run #194 | 23:35 | 64.51 | 5km |
1 Jan | Chippenham park run #191 | 22:47 | 66.77 | 5km |
2017 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
23 Dec | Chippenham park run #188 | 22:47 | 66.77 | 5km |
16 Dec | Melksham inaugural parkrun | 23:36 | 64.46 | 5km |
10 Dec | Avon Somerset and Wiltshire cross country championships | 52:32 | 59.05 | 10km |
9 Dec | Chippenham park run #186 SB | 22:44 | 66.92 | 5km |
3 Dec | Bromham Pudding Run SB | 45:13 | 68.60 | 10km |
25 Nov | Southwick Park Run | 23:14 | 65.48 | 5km |
18 Nov | Roundway Revenge PB | 1:08:16 | 51.38 | 7mi |
5 Nov | Wickstead Wander | 45:20 | 54.31 | 5mi |
22 Oct | White Horse Gallop SB | 1:12:55 | 54.94 | 8mi |
15 Oct | Grittleton 10km | 50:20 | 61.09 | 10km |
8 Oct | Marshfield Mudlark SB | 1:05:18 | 51.95 | 11km |
7 Oct | Chippenham parkrun #178 | 23:32 | 64.11 | 5km |
1 Oct | Cricklade Half Marathon SB | 1:48:08 | 62.17 | 13.1mi |
24 Sep | National Trust 10k | 53:51 | 57.10 | 10km |
10 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 1:49:38 | 61.32 | 13.1mi |
4 Jun | Chippenham Harriers 5 Mile Road Race SB | 38:27 | 64.03 | 5mi |
27 May | Chipping Sodbury parkrun #166 | 23:53 | 63.17 | 5km |
20 May | Taunton Flyer Wellington | 9:24:22 | 117mi | |
23 Apr | White Horse Challenge | 6:24:18 | 90mi | |
15 Apr | Chippenham parkrun #155 | 23:55 | 63.08 | 5km |
8 Apr | Bath Beat - 12.5 SB | 1:58:56 | 53.75 | 12.5mi |
26 Mar | Clock Change Challenge | 46:58 | 65.47 | 10km |
25 Mar | Chippenham park run #152 | 23:41 | 63.70 | 5km |
19 Mar | Bowood 10k fun run | 50:33 | 60.83 | 10km |
12 Mar | Bath Half | 1:48:42 | 61.85 | 13.1mi |
19 Feb | Calne Smartt Smasher 10k | 48:29 | 63.42 | 10km |
12 Feb | Wiltshire 10 SB | 1:18:05 | 64.69 | 10mi |
5 Feb | Lung Buster | 1:27:08 | 52.00 | 9mi |
2016 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
31 Dec | Chippenham park run #139 | 23:29 | 64.25 | 5km |
18 Dec | Performance Cycles Winter mini series - event 3 | 3:27:00 | 48mi | |
17 Dec | Chippenham park run #136 SB | 22:53 | 65.93 | 5km |
10 Dec | Chippenham park run #135 | 22:58 | 65.69 | 5km |
4 Dec | Bromham Pudding Run | 48:57 | 62.81 | 10km |
3 Dec | Chippenham park run #134 | 23:30 | 64.20 | 5km |
20 Nov | The 9Bar chilly 10k SB | 47:41 | 64.48 | 10km |
13 Nov | Easy Runner Sodbury Slog SB | 1:28:45 | 50.59 | 9mi |
15 Oct | Chippenham park run #128 | 23:50 | 62.79 | 5km |
2 Jul | Chippenham park run #114 | 27:12 | 55.01 | 5km |
25 Jun | Chippenham park run #113 | 26:56 | 55.56 | 5km |
7 May | Chippenham park run #107 | 29:58 | 49.94 | 5km |
23 Apr | Chippenham parkrun #105 | 25:14 | 59.30 | 5km |
16 Apr | Chippenham parkrun #104 | 25:36 | 58.45 | 5km |
9 Apr | Taith Torfaen PB | 20:11:00 | 26.76 | 52mi |
3 Apr | Pewsey DownsAround 10 SB | 1:51:18 | 44.98 | 10mi |
2 Apr | Bath Beat 17 PB | 3:39:46 | 40.79 | 17.5mi |
28 Mar | Lewes Easter Monday 10k WSFRL | 57:56 | 52.61 | 10km |
26 Mar | Chippenham park run #101 | 25:29 | 58.72 | 5km |
19 Mar | MCN Round 1, The Black Mountains Trail Marathon SB | 7:41:33 | 29.95 | 26.2mi |
5 Mar | Green Man Ultra 30 PB | 7:07:29 | 39.35 | 31mi |
2015 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
14 Nov | Gordano Round PB | 5:51:55 | 40.32 | 27mi |
24 Oct | Chippenham parkrun | 24:27 | 60.71 | 5km |
26 Sep | Cotswold Challenge SB | 7:13:32 | 32.01 | 26.5mi |
5 Sep | Long Run In The Meadow | 100mi | ||
25 Jul | Chippenham parkrun #64 | 24:04 | 61.67 | 5km |
12 Jul | Race to the Stones Day 2 | 8:31:55 | 32.64 | 50km |
11 Jul | Race to the Stones 50k Day 1 PB | 7:51:21 | 35.44 | 50km |
4 Jul | Chippenham parkrun #63 | 23:49 | 62.32 | 5km |
1 Jul | Chippenham River Run | 24:15 | 61.21 | 5km |
27 Jun | Cotswold Way Relay Stage 3 PB | 1:23:24 | 48.43 | 8.2mi |
23 Jun | Lacock Relays SB | 19:21 | 63.77 | 2.6mi |
20 Jun | Chippenham parkrun #61 | 29:21 | 50.57 | 5km |
20 Jun | Broad Town 5 Mile SB | 38:16 | 63.25 | 5mi |
7 Jun | Chippenham Harriers 5 Mile Road Race | 39:36 | 61.12 | 5mi |
6 Jun | Chippenham parkrun #59 | 23:59 | 61.89 | 5km |
30 May | Chippenham parkrun #58 | 24:17 | 61.12 | 5km |
23 May | Bath Skyline parkrun | 24:56 | 59.53 | 5km |
12 May | Roundway Chase | 57:25 | 52.63 | 10km |
9 May | Chippenham parkrun #56 | 26:02 | 57.01 | 5km |
3 May | Neolithic Marathon | 26.2mi | ||
2 May | Chippenham parkrun #55 | 25:25 | 58.40 | 5km |
12 Apr | Pewsey DownsAround Marathon PB | 7:09:00 | 32.49 | 26.6mi |
11 Apr | The Bath Beat SB | 6:51:00 | 34.07 | 26.7mi |
22 Mar | Wiltshire Scramble PB | 2:03:40 | 48.64 | 12mi |
21 Mar | Chippenham parkrun #49 | 26:48 | 55.38 | 5km |
14 Mar | Chippenham parkrun #48 | 23:18 | 63.70 | 5km |
7 Mar | Chippenham parkrun #47 | 23:24 | 63.43 | 5km |
28 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #46 | 24:01 | 61.80 | 5km |
22 Feb | Calne SMARTT Smasher SB | 48:24 | 62.44 | 10km |
14 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #44 | 24:04 | 61.67 | 5km |
7 Feb | Chippenham parkrun #43 SB | 22:30 | 65.97 | 5km |
24 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #41 | 23:24 | 63.43 | 5km |
18 Jan | Corsham Court Challenge PB | 49:20 | 59.12 | 6mi |
17 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #40 | 25:17 | 58.71 | 5km |
10 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #39 | 24:18 | 61.08 | 5km |
1 Jan | Chippenham parkrun #37 | 27:43 | 53.55 | 5km |
2014 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
31 Dec | K365 - The Last Day - Greenman Challenge PB | 13:13:02 | 36.12 | 47.5mi |
14 Dec | Bath Tri-County Cross Country Championships PB | 49:47 | 62.58 | 10.3km |
13 Dec | Chippenham parkrun #33 | 22:54 | 64.82 | 5km |
7 Dec | Bromham Pudding Run SB | 45:48 | 65.98 | 10km |
6 Dec | Chippenham parkrun #32 SB | 22:43 | 65.34 | 5km |
29 Nov | Chippenham parkrun #31 | 23:17 | 63.75 | 5km |
23 Nov | Wickstead Wander | 46:31 | 52.03 | 5mi |
15 Nov | Chippenham parkrun #29 | 23:58 | 61.93 | 5km |
2 Nov | Over The Hills SB | 1:08:38 | 52.82 | 12km |
26 Oct | Calne Clock Change challenge | 48:18 | 62.03 | 10km |
19 Oct | Devizes Half Marathon SB | 1:51:51 | 58.51 | 13.1mi |
18 Oct | Chippenham parkrun #25 | 24:48 | 59.37 | 5km |
12 Oct | Marshfield Mudlark SB | 1:05:51 | 50.20 | 11km |
11 Oct | Chippenham parkrun #24 | 24:48 | 59.37 | 5km |
28 Sep | Bath Two Tunnels Half Marathon PB | 2:24:37 | 49.12 | 14.2mi |
27 Sep | Chippenham parkrun #22 | 24:58 | 58.97 | 5km |
24 Aug | Severn Bridge Half Marathon | 2:03:00 | 53.21 | 13.1mi |
23 Aug | Chippenham parkrun #17 | 24:12 | 60.84 | 5km |
23 Aug | Chippenham 5k run - last 100m PB | 16 | 69.06 | 0.1km |
9 Aug | Chippenham parkrun #15 | 24:29 | 60.14 | 5km |
2 Aug | Chippenham parkrun #14 | 24:20 | 60.51 | 5km |
26 Jul | Thunder Run - solo distance in 24H PB | 24:00:00 | 30.32 | 66.1mi |
19 Jul | Southwick Park Run | 26:09 | 56.30 | 5km |
5 Jul | Chippenham parkrun | 25:06 | 58.66 | 5km |
2 Jul | Chippenham River Run | 24:27 | 60.22 | 5km |
21 Jun | Trionium Midsummer Munro | 3:03:37 | 35.64 | 13.1mi |
14 Jun | Gloucester 24 Hour Track Race | 100mi | ||
14 Jun | Gloucester 24 Hour Track Race 71 miles PB | 18:37:53 | 43.14 | 71.16mi |
8 Jun | Chippenham Harriers 5 Mile Road Race SB | 40:26 | 59.36 | 5mi |
7 Jun | Chippenham parkrun #8 | 24:39 | 59.73 | 5km |
31 May | SJR12H PB | 9:42:00 | 34.54 | 36mi |
10 May | Ultra Brecon 50 - Round 2 | 50mi | ||
27 Apr | Pewsey DownsAround Marathon PB | 6:24:00 | 35.19 | 26.1mi |
26 Apr | The Bath Beat PB | 6:32:00 | 35.39 | 26.7mi |
22 Mar | MCN Round 1, The Black Mountains 40 | 40mi | ||
1 Mar | Green Man Ultra | 46mi | ||
23 Feb | Terminator SB | 2:29:37 | 39.85 | 12mi |
22 Feb | Chipping Sodbury parkrun | 26:15 | 56.09 | 5km |
9 Feb | Punchbowl Ultra | 7:19:00 | 36.21 | 30mi |
26 Jan | Stonehenge Stomp 40k PB | 4:30:12 | 47.77 | 25mi |
12 Jan | Winter Tanners SB | 6:53:54 | 38.41 | 30mi |
2013 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
7 Dec | MCN Welsh 1 Day Ultra Series Round 4 - Ultra Brecon 40 - Winter PB | 12:12:00 | 31.39 | 40mi |
24 Nov | Bath Hilly Half | 2:18:24 | 47.29 | 13.1mi |
10 Nov | Broadway Marathon | 6:43:10 | 33.79 | 26.5mi |
2 Nov | Southwick ParkRun SB | 25:24 | 57.50 | 5km |
27 Oct | Calne Clock Change Challenge SB | 50:10 | 59.22 | 10km |
12 Oct | Talybont Trail | 6:10:00 | 27.19 | 20mi |
6 Oct | The Great Clarendon Marathon | 4:37:11 | 48.50 | 26.2mi |
15 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon SB | 2:02:39 | 52.89 | 13.1mi |
14 Sep | Kennet & Avon Trail Race -21 Miles SB | 3:04:38 | 57.45 | 21mi |
18 Aug | Cheddar Gorge Marathon | 5:25:30 | 41.30 | 26.2mi |
11 Aug | Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 Trail Short Course SB | 2:59:42 | 51.83 | 30km |
28 Jul | Bath Running Festival Marathon | 5:44:52 | 38.98 | 26.2mi |
6 Apr | The Bath Beat PB | 4:35:27 | 49.46 | 26.5mi |
16 Mar | Exmoor Ultra - Marathon PB | 5:36:07 | 45.05 | 29mi |
28 Feb | Mekong Mad Mountain Marathon SB | 4:25:49 | 50.57 | 26.2mi |
2012 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
28 Dec | Mekong Mad Mountain Marathon | 4:45:56 | 47.02 | 26.2mi |
25 Nov | Downton Half Marathon | 13.1mi | ||
27 Oct | Southwick ParkRun #61 SB | 20:23 | 71.09 | 5km |
21 Oct | Abingdon Marathon SB | 3:37:13 | 61.33 | 26.2mi |
14 Oct | Swindon Half Marathon | 2:10:04 | 49.44 | 13.1mi |
23 Sep | Malmesbury Half marathon SB | 1:32:24 | 69.59 | 13.1mi |
1 Sep | Kennet & Avon Trail Race -21 Miles PB | 2:50:52 | 61.52 | 21mi |
12 Aug | Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1 Trail Short Course PB | 2:39:52 | 57.74 | 30km |
1 Jul | Boddington Marathon | 26.2mi | ||
12 May | Ridgeway 40 | 8:16:36 | 45.44 | 40mi |
14 Apr | Bath Beat 26.7 | 5:11:50 | 42.72 | 26.2mi |
17 Mar | Exmoor Ultra | 40mi | ||
4 Mar | Steyning Stinger Half Marathon | 2:50:00 | 37.82 | 13.1mi |
12 Feb | Punchbowl Marathon PB | 6:23:00 | 40.75 | 30mi |
15 Jan | Winter Tanners | 6:38:11 | 39.20 | 30mi |
2011 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
27 Nov | Downton Half-Marathon SB | 1:35:16 | 67.50 | 13.1mi |
20 Nov | Avebury 8 PB | 57:55 | 66.24 | 8mi |
13 Nov | Over The Hills 12k PB | 56:53 | 62.13 | 12km |
9 Oct | Swindon Half Marathon | 1:56:28 | 54.73 | 13.1mi |
2 Oct | Cricklade 10k PB | 42:16 | 69.12 | 10km |
25 Sep | Blackland Downs Challenge Multi-terrain 11am PB | 55:36 | 61.68 | 7.25mi |
11 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 1:56:40 | 54.64 | 13.1mi |
28 Aug | Foxtrot 5 | 34:10 | 68.52 | 5mi |
18 Aug | Barbury Castle Track'n'Trail 5 | 38:34 | 60.71 | 5mi |
13 Jul | Chippenham River Run SB | 21:02 | 68.35 | 5km |
2 Jul | Exmoor Ultra scenic route PB | 12:21:39 | 36.52 | 46.75mi |
18 Jun | THE PICNIC | 5:38:36 | 38.99 | 26.2mi |
11 Jun | Broad Town 5 Mile PB | 33:30 | 69.89 | 5mi |
21 May | Shaw Stampede | 45:06 | 64.78 | 10km |
14 May | Marlborough Downs Challenge - 33 miles SB | 6:33:50 | 44.33 | 33mi |
1 May | North Dorset Village Marathon SB | 3:52:26 | 56.80 | 26.2mi |
9 Apr | The Bath Beat SB | 5:18:25 | 42.02 | 26.5mi |
27 Feb | Terminator 11 PB | 2:33:00 | 34.65 | 11mi |
13 Feb | The Wiltshire 10 PB | 1:13:36 | 65.13 | 10mi |
2010 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
10 Oct | Swindon Half Marathon SB | 1:51:53 | 56.49 | 13.1mi |
3 Oct | The Great Clarendon Marathon SB | 5:03:41 | 43.08 | 26.2mi |
12 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 1:57:36 | 53.74 | 13.1mi |
14 Jul | Chippenham River Run SB | 22:41 | 62.89 | 5km |
2009 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
11 Oct | Swindon Half Marathon SB | 2:05:00 | 50.13 | 13.1mi |
13 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon | 2:22:08 | 44.09 | 13.1mi |
7 Jun | FOSMs 5 Mile Road Race SB | 40:20 | 57.11 | 5mi |
2008 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
14 Sep | Chippenham Half Marathon SB | 1:47:58 | 57.55 | 13.1mi |
2001 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
2 Dec | Singapore Marathon SB | 4:19:30 | 47.07 | 26.2mi |
2000 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
15 Oct | Beijing Marathon SB | 3:45:04 | 53.65 | 26.2mi |
1999 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
25 Apr | South Coast Marathon SB | 3:42:36 | 54.13 | 26.2mi |
1998 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
26 Apr | London Marathon SB | 3:39:48 | 54.82 | 26.2mi |
8 Mar | Bath Half PB | 1:31:21 | 63.37 | 13.1mi |
1997 | Result | WAVA | Distance | |
13 Apr | London Marathon SB | 4:07:30 | 48.68 | 26.2mi |
Run Totals
Swim Totals
Bike Totals
Walk Totals
Cross Totals
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Total |
2023 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
2022 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2022 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.4 |
2022 | 173 | 176 | 224 | 139 | 72 | 80 | 166 | 156 | 173 | 156 | 166 | 136 | 1816 |
2022 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 46 | 190 | 255 | 152 | 58 | 34 | 56 | 6 | 144 | 956 |
2021 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 |
2021 | 141 | 171 | 180 | 184 | 88 | 138 | 121 | 176 | 177 | 150 | 128 | 181 | 1834 |
2021 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2021 | 0 | 69 | 63 | 58 | 9 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 11 | 0 | 13 | 0 | 242 |
2020 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.9 | 2.4 | 0.7 | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
2020 | 94 | 158 | 200 | 261 | 365 | 271 | 226 | 194 | 156 | 150 | 193 | 202 | 2471 |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2020 | 60 | 31 | 0 | 20 | 10 | 19 | 25 | 3 | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 203 |
2019 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.4 | 2.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.6 |
2019 | 299 | 193 | 230 | 168 | 105 | 102 | 275 | 339 | 263 | 211 | 255 | 100 | 2541 |
2019 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
2019 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 21 | 7 | 0 | 13 | 96 |
2018 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.2 |
2018 | 72 | 97 | 76 | 65 | 45 | 60 | 119 | 186 | 176 | 162 | 206 | 230 | 1494 |
2018 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 16 | 3 | 28 |
2018 | 30 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 50 | 5 | 258 | 151 | 37 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 562 |
2017 | 0.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.3 |
2017 | 85 | 100 | 81 | 88 | 34 | 73 | 136 | 122 | 54 | 70 | 94 | 83 | 1018 |
2017 | 1204 | 341 | 191 | 381 | 385 | 389 | 484 | 45 | 71 | 79 | 329 | 201 | 4098 |
2016 | 0.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.8 | 1.1 |
2016 | 144 | 190 | 231 | 226 | 11 | 24 | 3 | 10 | 47 | 232 | 104 | 85 | 1306 |
2016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 21 |
2016 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 642 | 326 | 525 | 1121 | 558 | 547 | 111 | 316 | 4145 |
2015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
2015 | 0.4 | 0 | 0 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 0.4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.6 | 0 | 2.7 |
2015 | 138 | 117 | 252 | 190 | 169 | 247 | 286 | 57 | 107 | 113 | 60 | 84 | 1820 |
2015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2015 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 113 | 51 | 7 | 179 |
2014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 14 |
2014 | 0.8 | 0.5 | 2 | 0 | 1.4 | 0 | 1.6 | 0 | 1 | 1.1 | 1 | 0.5 | 9.8 |
2014 | 208 | 197 | 106 | 140 | 129 | 257 | 202 | 125 | 174 | 160 | 194 | 219 | 2113 |
2014 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2014 | 9 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 |
2013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
2013 | 0 | 1.4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.9 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0 | 3.4 |
2013 | 163 | 229 | 315 | 64 | 13 | 56 | 159 | 199 | 200 | 186 | 116 | 160 | 1861 |
2013 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 7 |
2013 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 19 |
2012 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
2012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.3 | 0 | 0.3 | 0 | 0 | 1.1 | 1.7 |
2012 | 238 | 302 | 203 | 338 | 282 | 305 | 341 | 311 | 399 | 233 | 65 | 234 | 3252 |
2012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2012 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | 32 |
2011 | 150 | 182 | 207 | 131 | 197 | 97 | 178 | 154 | 136 | 89 | 138 | 159 | 1817 |
2011 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17 |
2010 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 24 |
2010 | 70 | 35 | 20 | 67 | 67 | 59 | 77 | 99 | 99 | 83 | 110 | 120 | 906 |
2009 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 42 | 25 | 20 | 46 | 32 | 28 | 54 | 47 | 24 | 319 |
2008 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 31 | 44 | 5 | 0 | 85 |
2007 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2006 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2005 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2004 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2003 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2002 | 44 | 16 | 74 | 32 | 0 | 28 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 205 |
2001 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 49 | 48 | 84 | 36 | 221 |
2000 | 39 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 84 |
1999 | 102 | 123 | 98 | 73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 397 |
1998 | 94 | 106 | 134 | 108 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 36 | 28 | 96 | 84 | 698 |
1997 | 43 | 17 | 93 | 55 | 39 | 31 | 0 | 0 | 47 | 56 | 78 | 43 | 503 |
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