
Last on at 10am, 9th Mar 2018
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About Me
Began running at the start of 2008 for general fitness and weight loss. Quickly became hooked and needed a challenge greater than just loosing weight (to date 22KG) for my wedding in August. I’ve always had a desire to complete a marathon and couldn’t think of anywhere more spectacular than New York. I chose to run for a charity to experience the fulfilment of doing something with such magnitude coupled with the satisfaction of helping those less fortunate than myself. I achieved my goal of a sub 4hr and loved the whole experience, so much so I’ve signed up for Edinburgh. My over all target is to complete the 5 majors and generally enjoy the fitness, challenges and socials associated with running.

2009.... i hope to cover well over 1000 miles, compete in more races and join a club.

Well 2009 didn't go to plan as i suffered a stress fracture that pretty much put an end to my distance running.

2010, time to get back into the saddle, wont have enough to time to train for marathons, however, I’ve just ran a sub two hour half without any significant training so maybe I’ll start training and focusing on them as time will become precious once the lill mans born in October
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