Miles 13.10
Min/mi 9:18
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Agree with Hotlegs - come on, we want to know what you thought - you may have run faster but B'flylou defo beat you on the verbals this time! Well done for getting close to your 2 hr target.
You will not get a high mark from teacher Marts for this effort - I can see you having to do intervals in the corner!!
Fair enoughfski. My synopsis of the race is as follows. I found the 9 min/mile pacer man at the start of the race with the intention of sticking with him. The first mile he did in 9.15, which was slower than i wanted to go. The next one he did in 9.07 and then 9.02. I didn't think that this gave me much margin for error, so I passed him when he took in a drink at the 3 mile station and did the next mile in 8.42. I was feeling ok at this point and carried on with an 8.48 and 8.44 for the next 2. Still feeling ok, I slowed a little recording times of 9.10 and 9.06 then 9.15. By this time, I was getting quite tired and the course seemed to be getting hillier. The 10th mile was the killer and I recorded a time of 9.39 slowing to 9.52, 9.58 and the final 1.1 (although BFL recorded the last bit as 1.25 miles) in 11.1. The minute miler pace man came by me at about the 11th mile and I couldn't keep up with him. The final straight towards the finish line was agony and it was sheer will power that stopped me from walking!. Overall, I'm a bit gutted that I didn't beat the 2hr target, but this is really my first test since injury, so quite pleased that I was close. I wonder if I went a little fast in the early stages, although it wasn't to bad in terms of pacing as it wasn't until 11 miles that I really began to suffer and I had nothing left at the end which shows that I gave it my all! A bit of tinkering around the edges and I should be there for the great eastern. Now I've just got to learn to walk again! Help me out of this chair Lou!
Nice one:)