Miles 1.00
Min/mi 5:10
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If I can run 5:25 pace for 5k, a 5:10 mile should be doddle, but it wasn't. I run at that pace week after week on the track without any problem, so I think it was a poor run for me.
I think that's an excellent time John, don't be too disheartened. There's no way I would have run the day before though - but that's just me - any excuse to have a rest! (And you actually just seem to get better and better when you keep on doing one quality session after another...) Well done.
Probably not as bad as you think. My best 5k last year was 16.49 and my 1500m pace was 5.07, so pretty close. The latter was after a track 5k mind...
If you want to get better it would help to do some faster training eg 400s in 70s
I will rest the day before next time Maddy, just so I don't have an excuse! Speed isn't the problem Bob, I did 6 1k reps Tuesday at a faster pace than the mile, I was just knackered the next day!
Yes, those track sessions can sometimes get near race effort level. I think this is a brilliant mile time considering the training on the previous day.
Really good show - you know on the right day you'll get the time you want - you always do!
I'm sure you can run faster if rested, but the guys who do it properly will do a fair bit of training at significantly faster than race pace.
True Bob, but I have to think if it is worth me training for it to do 1 or 2 mile races a year, though I suppose it would do no harm to have a bit more speed!
True. Training for a mile would probably be incompatible with training for a marathon - very high intensity short efforts with long rests, marathon running needs rather the opposite.