Split Summary
1) - 1m - 7:14(7:14/m) - 180bpm avge - 188bpm max - 115cal
2) - 1m - 6:56(6:56/m) - 189bpm avge - 192bpm max - 118cal
3) - 1m - 7:27(7:27/m) - 191bpm avge - 195bpm max - 121cal
4) - 1m - 7:10(7:10/m) - 190bpm avge - 193bpm max - 118cal
5) - 1m - 7:25(7:25/m) - 194bpm avge - 197bpm max - 120cal
6) - 0.42m - 2:47(6:42/m) - 197bpm avge - 199bpm max - 47cal
Heart Rate Zone Summary
HR Zone: undefined: 100%
Pace Zone Summary
Pace Zone: 5:20-5:39/mile: 1.1%
Pace Zone: 5:40-5:59/mile: 2.1%
Pace Zone: 6:00-6:19/mile: 6.2%
Pace Zone: 6:20-6:39/mile: 11.3%
Pace Zone: 6:40-6:59/mile: 16.8%
Pace Zone: 7:00-7:19/mile: 21.3%
Pace Zone: 7:20-7:39/mile: 12.9%
Pace Zone: 7:40-7:59/mile: 8.9%
Pace Zone: 8:00-8:19/mile: 5.7%
Pace Zone: 8:20-8:39/mile: 4.3%
Pace Zone: 8:40-8:59/mile: 2.1%
Pace Zone: 9:00-9:19/mile: 2.5%
Pace Zone: 10:00-10:19/mile: 1.1%
Last Frostbite race of the series. All started very well got there early and got a space in the car park, brilliant, then wondered why there were no other runners about, quick phone call to Jobe and ralised that it was because the race was at Hinchinbrooke park and I was in St.Neots at Priory Park

Got back into car and headed north!
Parked up and made my way to race HQ met Stuart P on route and had a chat. Still got there in good time for toilet stop, coffee etc. Course looked very muddy but was still hopeful of getting around 7m/m pace.
Off to the start and we all crammed up, different start to previous race here. Off we went very muddy and very slippy with a few short laps then the field spread out a bit, first mile marker I got at 1.15miles, was slightly behind my 7m/m target but then increased it for the second mile. Very surprised to go past Luke D on mile 2 as he normally miles ahead, after the 'luxury' of tracks we were soon back into very muddy trails, my pace had dropped off and I didn't mind too much as I was working hard so just got on with trying as hard as possible.
Towards the end of the 4th mile the only thing keeping me going was the thought of been in the last mile, by this point I could see Nigel and Donron ahead, they were slowing and I was gaining, but however much my mind said push on my legs said f*** off.
Was having a good little battle with a few others around my pace and at 4.8 miles upped my pace again, went past the 5 mile marker and then was curious to how far we were actually going ? Anyway eventually we came down the last track and onto the field towards the finish I upped the pace the best I could and could still see Nigel and DonRon ahead but there wasn't enough time to catch them. As I went through the finish I got ticket number 96, that was realy pleasing as never been in the top 100 before :), however was later gutted when I found out Ron was last Male scorer and 'only' four seconds ahead. But in truth I gave all I could and averaged 7.12m/m on a very tough course, maybe without my recent two long runs I would have been quicker but guess I will never know.
Ran back along the course to encourage some others in, on the last bend Gem* came a running and when I shouted for her to sprint as she was been caught she flew into turbo !
Great support on the course by GW, Jobe, Kippersun, and many others, fantastic result for M72 getting first place and hope we did well enough as a team to keep second, time will tell.
Well done Swerver, very good effort, especially with the long runs this week! Was a tough course, don't think you should be too annoyed with being just outside 7m/m the conditions were very difficult.
well done swerver,good effort.scoring points ,so close.
Quite often my legs say the same:-) Great pace in the conditions, you will have no problems getting under 20 mins for a 5k this year.
Brilliant run swerver-you must be well chuffed- doesnt matter about donron being last male scorer cos yours will have helped the cause big time too - have a very very easy recovery run tomorrow
Congrats on number 96. Excellent result in tough conditions and 2 mega long runs still in your legs. V well done and as Hey Jude says take it easy tomorrow.
Fab run! You forgot to mention the puddles!
Lol at being at the wrong place....good run and well done at being in top 100.
i used excuse of long run in my legs as not to run grrrr man points lost for me boo hoo. good speed work....