Miles 5.00
Min/mi 5:40
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Sometimes people forget to stop their GPS before driving home. If you think something like that has happened here, you can ask for this training entry to be reviewed. If the review agrees, the user will be notified and the training entry will be quarantined until sorted. Your report is anonymous.
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Good job it has a permit otherwise they'd all be shouting "Short". Well done Marts, like Jobe it shows its all going to plan
14th thats FANTASTIC and to think i was happy with my 375/428 status!!
Excellent running Marts a great time, training all paying off and hopefully that will also show in FLM, gutted I missed this Frostbite everyone did well !
PB and best finsihing position can't ask for any more. Well done. Training obviously going very well.
Thanks guys. training going very well. feel that sub 28 is possible if fully tapered and training aimed at 5M rather than 26.2M:). Great to see so many WJ PBs as well. Great running by all