Aha! A race was raced! Target time, fuelling, mini-taper, choosing right shoes, pinning the number on, everything! Target time was under 72 mins (71:xx for a 70% WAVA). That was about 7:10 pace. Not easy, given current training but just about doable extrapolating from 5km time. Pinned number on vest day before. Had to hunt out the Inov-8 F-lite 220s, buried in a bag in the room. Coffee, banana, water for brek. Lucozade 500ml in the car. Planned to get there an hour before, set off a bit late for that as it's 40 mins drive not 30 that I thought. Had a stop to get mars bar (didn't fancy gels - and the 6 in the drawer were 2 years out of date. Yes, it's been a while!) on way. Easy finding car park, great organisation by Perth Road Runners. Here started the name checking, which was lovely but couldn't remember the first one - Richard for PRR, is it Graham F's brother in law? Then lovely to hear a Fetchie shout from Lea, on the start line who introduced herself. Must add to sticker book! And at the end Robin W from ultra days said hi too, which was nice. Wasn't sure if somewhere to dump stuff before race, so took hoodie with me from car, car key obv and mars bar. But not inhaler, no pockets to run with. As it was, I could have come back to car, but decided was OK without it. Saw Karen in car park with Alex running. Took advantage of loo stops, then into stadium and suddenly remembered I'd been here before - Perth 10K, of course. Dozens of smiley runners, including Kinross, so met up with them in the stands and could leave hoodie here. Result. Bit of a warm up, vest only, as it really was lovely and warm. To the start line, hello to Lea. Chatting with ladies, quicker lads went to front. No niggles really, no excuses, but this is chip timed, so no need to go to front. Hang on, no mats at start, so ah, it is gun to chip. Never mind, just 10 or 20s to cross line, only 250 or so I think. Off we went, and I thought I'd start at 7:30 or 7:20s or so. First mile was 7:05, oh well! Felt OK, but I made sure not to go any quicker. Bits of support, but actually, lots going on in Inches - junior rugby festival and lots of walkers and dogs etc. Great to see. One loop, then onto North Inch past the stadium and a some more cheers. 3 miles and we see the 9 mile marker. Good to know! Feeling OK, and some good groups forming. I went through some, but there was a great group of 3 Dundee Road Runners and a Perth, so I stuck with them for quite a while. Reckoned the woman was running well, and looked strong, so when the group started breaking up, I went with her and a Dundee Hawk guy. Took on some water as it really was very warm. I don't normally bother. Slowed me a bit as I struggled to get my breathing back. If you look at my HR throughout, I really was on the limit by mile 5 or so. I felt OK in patches, and I heard she was 2nd woman so told her to take the inside line etc. as I wasn't racing for anything. A couple of times she pulled away, but I kept closing it back up. A couple of times she slowed down and I went up on her shoulder so I hope I helped her to push on too. By 7 or 8 miles I could feel my right calf aching. I decided to just push through hoping I wasn't doing serious damage. I was on the edge, tiniest little inclines going under or over a bridge etc knocked me back or was close to a stumble a couple of times! But kept it together. Knew I could do the last couple of miles, trying not to slow, stopped looking at watch. I'd seen 7:05 and 7:10 so I knew it was pretty good to that point. From here the watch couldn't help me! As we approached the stadium, just half mile to go, I think she was picking it up. I kept it going OK, until through the gate, tiny uphill to get to the stadium. She opened out 10 metres and I wasn't going to stay with her. Picked it up a bit as she went past another male runner and thought I might get him, but he was finishing strongly, so no chance. Glad to finish, chatting to club mates - an over 50 at 63 mins, a late 40s at 59 mins, wowsers, thought the 3 of them under 70 might have got a team prize but no luck. Shoes and socks off, chatting to people, enjoying the sunshine, cheering more runners in. Water, a caramel wafer, great Perth organisation. Saw Robin W, chatted to Kieren M (keyring). Pics from our club photographer, then eventually made way to car for home. Knew it was under 71 so pleased with that. Got home and results say 70:24, which is even better. 71% WAVA. Job done.
Right achilles sore later and now the next day. Hope that isn't serious. And a bit of sun burn on back of neck and shoulders. I'll take that! Grand day out.

Split Summary
1) 1m - 7:04(7:04/m) 170/182bpm [1201b/mi] 114cal
2) 1m - 7:06(7:06/m) 176/184bpm [1249b/mi] 119cal
3) 1m - 7:01(7:01/m) 175/179bpm [1229b/mi] 118cal
4) 1m - 7:08(7:08/m) 175/179bpm [1250b/mi] 120cal
5) 1m - 7:09(7:09/m) 178/186bpm [1273b/mi] 120cal
6) 1m - 7:06(7:06/m) 180/187bpm [1279b/mi] 119cal
7) 1m - 7:00(7:00/m) 179/184bpm [1254b/mi] 118cal
8) 1m - 7:02(7:02/m) 181/188bpm [1274b/mi] 118cal
9) 1m - 7:04(7:04/m) 182/187bpm [1286b/mi] 119cal
10) 1m - 6:47(6:47/m) 186/190bpm [1261b/mi] 114cal
11) 0.01m - 9(19:08/m) 188/188bpm [3598b/mi] 2cal
Well done, nicely paced - a nice wee club organised race which I'd like to do again
Thanks Gus - I gave it my best shot (look at that HR!). Best of luck with your rather longer Cateran this weekend.
That's quite a report! Well run
I make notes just to remind myself mostly Dv. But occasionally try to distil them into a not too dull blog. I have pictures to go with this - lovely sunny day, you see!