Wrose 5K Challenge

Wed August 11 2010
Listed by Chromey
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
19:56 23:32 30:54 47.79
multiterrainer Nice little race although early on I was concerned that there may be too much road for my liking!! Is it just me or is Carr lane getting shorter - not as steep as I remember from previous races (Carr Lane Challenge)?!
Horsforth Fellandale Club, LDWA
21:20 27:06 27:06 53.06
joolzs I was a SWEEPER - Great Fun when you're supposed to be at the back instead of trying not to be at the back!!! Time TBC as no results as yet!
Eccleshill Road Runners
25:52 26:39 40:00 40.34

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