Three Shires Fell Race

Listed by emmilou
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
crispy Cracking race. Was feeling quite good at the start, its quite a squeeze at some points until you cross the river over the scarily wobbling wooden bridge. That climb up Weatherlam just gets steeper and steeper the higher you go. The field was split with many staying on the track for longer and taking the more direct route. I decided not to, maybe I will try this way next time. In the clouds from Weatherlam all the way to Swirl How then down from there. The descent to 3 Shires Stone was madness, we were in thick mist and there were runners all over the place. I gained a few places here but then had to stop and tie my lace at the road crossing! I was getting tired on the climb up Blisco where it tried to rain then I bent my foot back in between two rocks near the summit. After that a lovely descent to the tarn and the next road crossing, the weather was clearing up by this point but I was almost on empty. Not enough recent long runs since the summer :-/ That last climb took the rest out of me and I had decided that was it for fellrunning until next year. To top it off I got a stitch on the run in to the finish. Well pleased with the race though and had a great weekend camping in Langdale. Lovely!
2:54:28 2:54:28 2:54:28 30.55
david coxon
Northumberland Fell Runners
3:33:00 3:33:00 3:33:00 25.22
emmilou I was just far to goosed to write a report yesterday!  So here I am!!

Not a bad day weather wise, slightly overcast with total cloud cover at 2000ft.  As usual I was gassing at the back when the claxon went so it was a slow start!!  The run up to the first climb is pretty undulating a river to cross that last year was only ankle deep - this year waders or a cossie would have been more appropriate!  The track takes a steep left turn up and round and at this point last year I was already knackered!!  This time however I was damned if I was going to walk so early on so onwards and upwards we went.  

The first decision navigationally was to follow the tourist path a lot further on or start a steady more diagonal climb I chose the latter.

It's the first time I have ever managed to climb so strongly and steadily more a mind over matter ascent I think digging in the whole way - again to compare to last year it took an hour and 10 minutes to get to that 1st summit from the start - yesterday was 45 minutes!!  I was elated even so early on especially as I overtook two men from my club 1 of whom is a very strong runner and someone I never thought to have a cat in hells chance of keeping up with let alone overtake!!  

With the knowledge he was now behind me this really made the adrenalin kick in - every ankle breaking stone turning mud sliding painful moment was masked knowing I was now on a mission!!

At the top of Swirl How the weather had really come in thick and fast visibility was almost down to zero and I was hanging on for dear life to the guys in front!   It was a struggle to navigate and at 1 point I looked across and there was a string of mad people in vests and shorts battling against the elements flailing about zig zagging and trying to figure out which way to go!!

The decent down the 3rd checkpoint was fast, furious and bloody!!  Fell over I don't know how many times and was covered in blood from every limb!!  (proper fell runner!!)  By now I had figured out I was on for a pb for definate and was actually making pretty good time.  Conscious I was going to blow up or bonk another gel was consumed and a lucozade sport was carried for the rest of the race taking regular gulps - I always forget to drink and take fuel on board and it's not done me any favours in the past!

On ward and upward for another steady climb up to the pike o blisco - round the cairn and back along part of the ascent point - this gives you a brief chance to see who's behind you (or in front!) and still not seeing the guys I'd overtaken was a confidence boost that was needed as it was getting tiring keeping the pace up.

Another long rocky decent to eventually come out at a tarn where some support crew were waiting - it's always fantastic to hear people cheering you on especially in the latter stages when you're shattered!  One long horrible climb to go - the one that is dreaded as it's energy sapping and cramp inducing given the miles climbs etc put in before it.

It was a case of head down find a rythym and just bloomin stick at it!  Overtook 5 people on the climb up, again really moral boosting. 

Then - the final mile run down and in - the descent is lovely rocky in places but on the whole very runable - I ran with a guy from about 3 miles in and we played cat and mouse for the next 6 but the last 3 we helped each other out and stuck together.  He was an absolute diamond - he was so intent on getting me to finish in a sub 3 he pushed me on that last mile and kept me together.  We really picked up the pace on the run in as we could see the finish from half way down the mountain but only had 5 minutes to get back so it was a mighty full on run - well and truly digging deep at this point and after a shocking finish at last weeks race was determined to make up for it on this one!!

I'd only intended to beat last years time and set myself a target of at least 20 minutes off which I felt was 'probably' do-able so to finish in 2:56 and smash last years 3:43 was totally awesome.  Checking the results I was in the top half of the field and 20th lady  - a far cry from last years 10th from last!!!  Cloud 9!  :-)
Lostock AC
2:56:00 2:56:00 2:56:00 33.93

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