About this parkrun
A small parkrun, 3 laps, mainly on grass, mildly undulating. Risk of cancellation after heavy periods of rain.Marvin 23rd Dec 2018
I'm ED of Thornbury parkrun. We have a three-lap, no dogs, undulating, predominantly grass course, with about 300m of tarmac on each lap. Can be muddy after lots of rain, but otherwise road shoes are fine. Running buggies have been round, but rarely!
ishep 27th Dec 2018
Great little run - 3 laps around a smallish park taking in a variety of surfaces and inclines. Trail shoes a must in winter
The Mussile 15th Jan 2019
Three lap course challenging but very friendly and in a nice environment.
17th Mar 2019
3 lap course, about 30% of each lap is flat, the rest is undulating at best, can get very muddy after a wet spell. Certainly a challenge and not a PB course, unless mud and hills is your thing! Small feild, typically under 100, but friendly. Special offer
BareHeadEm 20th Nov 2021