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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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The Wild Races (Race 3)

Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Grey Badger Route came back at 8.46 miles on my Garmin. Started slowly to see if hamstring was going to be ok. Started hurting after about 4 miles but manageable so long as i didn't try to push too hard. Finished about 7th pos. Good turn out considering Coastal Run was on. All ways a friendly atmosphere at these events. Well done to Makizmo for winning the series.
Northumberland Fell Runners
51:51 57:15 77.90
jazz 1st race back since injury, not sure how I will do as not feeling too fit @ present. After:
Just took it steady especially first few miles as did not want to go off too hard and then be exhausted half way round. Was quite away behind some of my club members who would normally be much closer too but did not even attempt to stay with them at start. Think did okay compared to amount of training/racing have not done in last few months. Only felt my hip on one longish downhill section and fingers crossed it does not seem tighter today
Tynedale Harriers & AC
1:07:25 65.74
makizmo 82 Went out too fast to try and keep up with the two front runners and am paying the price with achey legs today, despite it being nearer to 13km than the advertised 15. The weather was perfect and eve had time to take in the view if Kielder water on some of the step down hill sections. Was dead chuffed to win the series and come in 2nd. Big thank you goes out to Pramjeet and family who always make these events fun to take part in.
Heaton Harriers & AC
47:57 54:48 73.45
Running Beard I started too quick - thights and calves felt like lead from that first short but steep climb.  Glad I did this though I always enjoy the Wild Races - not sure about the distance I don't think that it is as long as suggested here?

Well done Makizmo on the Series win
Elvet Striders
1:22:45 1:22:45 1:14:51 58.59

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