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The Regent's Park Winter 10k Series - race 1

Sun October 7 2007
Listed by Mal
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Wicket Decent run
Mornington Chasers
37:36 37:36 38:00 38:35 68.42
Born to run First race back since Hood 2 Coast Relay, USA.  Nursing a very sore shin for the week before, very little training, and uncertain about race, but just survived.  Very good organisation I thought, plus support from marshalls which helped.    Nice little race for guaging your fitness.  Despite running round RP every lunchtime, was surprised to find inclines which I never knew existed !!!!!
32:42 38:01 38:00 38:01 70.70
monki Got a bit of a cold, and have never raced this course before, but I'm nearly 3.5 kgs lighter than my last 10k (a PB race) - and I did that one with a hangover to shame a bishop.  Better beware...

Update: Bit tentative in first few km, but felt really good after 6 and ended up with a 63s PB.  Pleased, but more to come.  Teensy bit miffed with a couple of organisational things (like the lady in the middle of the road at the finish who turned out to be holding the finishing funnel rope - completely missed that and lost a couple of places).
42:52 45:43 46:00 45:43 58.28

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