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TFD Bingoman

Mon October 13 2008
Listed by JulesR
Entrants (1)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
JulesR Total Time 31:15 - Swim 8:24 Bike Inc T1/T2 16:36 Run 6:11. 

Early start for the Bingoman Champs so queueing outside the gym at 6:15am for someone who usually never sees the back of 9am. Pool swim slowish as sleep-swimming never too good. T1 trail of water through changing room and onto bike racked in gym. Slight time losses pushing buttons and wiping down big pool of water after bike. T2 onto treddy and big loss of time answering 20 questions from machine about weight, level and ambitions. Max speed only 16kph so bit limited there.

Lesson learnt for next Bingoman - maybe get up earlier and run a mile round the block then cycle into gym and swim with waterproof laptop by side of pool to claim Bingo faster.

It is a great honour to win the Punmaster's prize and I look forward to the presentation ceremony later.
Stirling Triathlon Club
0 0 0 8:24 0 12:20 0 6:11 26:55

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