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Tenbury 10k

Listed by crazygal
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
-Daz Tough course even without the warm, humid weather.  Wasn't expecting THE hill to be quite so tough - it hits you hard after 3miles of undulations.  Enjoyed myself.
Defra AC
34:57 34:58 35:45 36:45 72.26
36:30 36:54
the kid
Stourbridge RC
37:25 37:25 42:00 65.74
sdsmudge Hot as always
Kidderminster & Stourport AC
36:30 38:37 38:37 73.23
TheMaster Position 43rd - 10th M40   This was hell after years out my first race as a vet, it was v. hot and the course undulating with just about the steepest hill i've ever run up at 3 miles. First 5k ok ran at 7 min miling which was what i expected, but then the wheels came off, and I literally collapsed over the line, my legs gone and probably suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion. I couldn't drive home for over an hour or so because I felt so ill. I must prepare better for my next race.
Midland Masters A C
32:15 41:06 46:14 61.16
Tarmac Runner
Cobra RC
40:05 43:48 50:13 53.83
Malvern Joggers
44:02 44:02 47:39 65.68
Pershore Plum Plodders
42:46 47:57 52:51 49.95
Running Caz Ran Tenbury 10k. Took it easy due to:- a day on the beer in Ludlow the day before, some kind of bites all over both feet and ankles which meant they were swollen and rubbing, extreme heat, knowledge of a killer hill at mile 3 and consumption of a full english breakfast only an hour before hand!! Felt tired during the last mile and it was very hot but otherwise enjoyed. Actually quite pleased with 53mins (a p.w) considering the circumstances :-)
Cobra RC
42:38 49:05 49:00 53:00 54.58
crazygal May turn up for this but foot still sore so will be taking it easy
Really REALLY hot, pleased with time as this was first run back
Malvern Joggers
50:14 50:14 56:13 51.22
54:58 54:58 1:00:00 1:01:31 52.27

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