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St Ives 'Dairy Crest' 10km

Sun July 17 2005
Listed by monki
Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Werrington Joggers, Olympic Harriers
52:28 52:33 59:47 48.65
Werrington Joggers
35:44 38:37 40:50 64.68
monki Still waiting for confirmation of the time.  Woke up late and a bit hungover so didn't do my pre-race prep as I would have liked and felt like carp on the start line.  It was bliddy hot and took me a good 3k to get into the race.  Plus the disappointment of finding my Polar s625x was woefully off on the distance recording, so had lost my best guide to form.  However, reached the turn and pushed up some gears to finish with a big PB.  Well chuffed - must prepare better for the next one!
42:52 47:23 47:23 55.90
Number 6
42:52 43:51 45:37 63.00
PlodderRW BEFORE: Would be well-chuffed with a pb sub-48, but highly unlikely cos shin splints mean I'll probably be out for at least 4 weeks. Aiming to (a) cross the start line,  (b) run how I feel and ignore the watch, and (c) not hobble.AFTER: Bliddy hell, trying to ignore the its-one-thing-after-the-other feeling, but really, its one thing after the other at the mo. Failed (a) and (b), although consequently at least I achieved (c) - its hard to hobble when you're in bed. Got a virus in the week leading up to it, not recovered enough by the Sunday, so didn't make the start line.  Roll on the Autumn 10Ks...
46:53 48:20 47:59
Slow Going Heat was a killer (and the sub 5 hours sleep after the REM concert on the Saturday) Ignored these and struggled to my first sub 45. The boys loved the 3k fun run doing it in 20 minutes (Sam - age 7) and 29 minutes (Jack aged 5)
42:20 44:41 44:59 44:41 59.43

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