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Sister Act - The Nuns Run

Listed by Blodwen
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Puffing Bertie What a laugh......it was great fun, just what i needed after FLM to get me back out there :-)
It was however 4.9 miles but the more the merrier :-)
51:12 51:12 51:12 38.30
RG Postie (RGP) A enjoyable run with Puffing Bertie setting the pace after her FLM the previous weekend,it was my 1st run in a long time,must be nearly 8mths since I last ran so was concerened about my fitness,needn't had worried finished very comfortably with barely a sweat on,it was closer to 5 miles instead of the advertised 4 according to my Garmin !
Reading Roadrunners
51:12 51:12 51:12 33.66
Patricia Apparently it was 4.9 miles?
39:30 39:30 39:30 46.72
CT Mad race - 1,000 nuns running around central london.  Lots of steps, lots of tourists to dodge but lots of fun.
Dagenham 88 Runners, Defra AC
36:30 36:30 36:30 53.72
47:48 47:48 47:48 34.91
1:01:55 1:01:55 1:01:55 29.49
emuslushy That was great fun.  Very hilarious.  Nuns running down a subway screaming is quite a laugh.  And the looks and hoots along Tower Bridge and the South Bank in particular were great!
47:27 47:27 40:00 47:27 38.18
Blodwen Sister Act - the Nun's Run!  (Just updated this to show my chip time, which was quicker than my watch time!) Good fun running around the Thames with loads of other runners all dressed as nuns! All the steps were a killer!!! Nice atmosphere though - and good response from most of the tourists we passed; & also the cars & vans hooting their support. Loved the nun costume, and the medal was FAB! :-) Stupidly didn't run with my Garmin, and there were no mile markers. I finished feeling slightly depressed about being so slow, until I read reports on here & Runner's World that other runners had clocked it as being nearer 4.8 or 4.9, which makes me feel much better! My main criticism is the section of the course where the crane & the roadworks were. I didn't find this too bad on the outward leg - except it wasn't obvious where we should cross the road, & I nearly got mown down by a black cab! However, on the return leg, we were told to run in single file along the road itself into oncoming traffic, in difficult light conditions & all dressed in black.  As I was in the main body of the race, the car drivers were very good about giving us a wide berth, but I had one totally terrifying moment when a bus came past! (My boyfriend & mates were watching by this section & they said there appeared to be only 1 marshall, with no radio. She was so busy marshalling the main body of the field, that she was unable to notice the 3 front runners on their return leg behind her, and they had to kick down / hurdle the roadworks barrier to continue their race!)  I know this was a fun run, but maybe these things should be looked at if it is run again? I would definitely consider running this again though.
49:58 49:58 50:00 49:58 37.99

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