Self Transcendence 5k

Listed by Alex Patton
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alex Patton 17/142 - Pleased with an 18s PB given the high recent mileage, lack of interval training and no days off beforehand. Good consistent pace - 1st k in 3:29 then 2-4 in about 3:35s with the last one a couple of seconds quicker. Air quality was really poor with loads of dust and debris flying around
Tonbridge AC
17:48 17:48 17:48 72.19
AndreaSR Won age category. Hot day, over 20 C but felt strong. Loads of pollen dust, everyone coughing at the end.
Mornington Chasers
19:46 19:46 22:05 78.05
26:31 26:31 26:31 55.56
BeaRCats running club
21:42 22:15 22:46 56.80

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