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Royal Windsor Triathlon

Listed by Deenzy
  • Rated 72%
  • 1500m/42km/10km
  • Road
Entrants (6)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
Alex26.2 Total 2hr28:18
Mornington Chasers
0 0 0 32:24 0 1:13:40 0 39:03 2:25:07
Deenzy First Olympic distance attempt. UPDATE:  Absolutely stoked to have gone sub 2.30 on first attempt with less than perfect buildup. A superbly organised event, I will be back
Wimbledon Windmilers
31:00 1:10 44:00 28:31 0 1:12:18 0 45:33 2:26:22
Ginger Chicken Got my predictions totally wrong but had a great race anyway. Thought I'd done 2h27m11, but must have stopped my watch coming out of the swim by accident. Actually did 2h29m18 which is still under 2h30 so I'm happy. It may be pretty flat, it may always be sunny but this race still hurts.
Canterbury Harriers
27:00 1:05:00 42:59 27:55 0 1:11:54 0 46:26 2:26:15
Mazza aka Fitso
34:00 1:15:00 50:00 0 0 0 0 0 0
phewww! 2:52:59 quite pleased with swim and bike. run injury affected hence appalling time. Delighted to have finished my first standard distance tri though. Swim time includes 200m run to T1
Ashford Tri Club
32:00 1:35:00 54:00 27:56 0 1:20:06 0 1:01:13 2:49:15
Smugbloke Better be good after the extortionate entry fee and car parking charges
28:00 1:18:00 43:00 30:15 0 1:16:55 0 45:07 2:32:17

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