Rotherham parkrun
About this parkrun
Undulating Scenic TestingStart on the main path approximately 200 metres from the Car Park and Museum building and runners will complete three clockwise laps of the park before continuing up the hill to the finish located directly in front of the mus
28th May 2019
Starts on a small hill down another up an incline and start again. Playful but nice parkrun. Parking is street only so get early but normally quite low in numbers.
Hills of Death (HOD) 25th Jul 2019
Three undulating laps , all on wide tarmac paths , toilets & cafe on site . Parking in museum carpark £1 per hour . Free street parking only a short walk away
wAckie Racer 15th Feb 2020
A 3 looper, fairly small event. Undulating. A nice little park.
Sombrero 24th Dec 2022
3 undulating laps on good paths. We parked by the museum in the pay and display. Toilets available before the run. Cafe on site. A park with a bit of everything.
BlueArmy 14th Oct 2023
Undulating 3 lap course on tarmac paths. Cafe, toilets and paid parking near the start. Lovely park with museum.
Mandyr 28th Oct 2024