Red Kite Challenge (UK Trail Running Champs)

Sat June 21 2008
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Gobi 3rd place and a solid run. Only downer was my fatigued hamstrings playing up.

Great race
Cannock & Stafford AC
1:19:10 64.92
Jerome Loved it. Think I maybe converted to this off-road malarkey. Hardest one I have done by a country mile since I started racing 9 months ago.
Les Croupiers RC
1:29:30 56.71
Rach E Sialens Barcud Coch. 2nd female, which also translates to a silver medal in the UK short course trail championships. This race was NO easier than last year (toughest race in my calendar by miles!) but I finished a lot stronger which I am very pleased about. The climbs in this are vertical on occasions and the descents are kamikaze style, but fun all the same. Stomach issues in the last four miles made things uncomfortable but this was more nutrition than health issues. A fantastic race which we will do again next year.
Newbury AC, Newbury Velo
1:30:07 62.97

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