Pilgrims Way Run (7+ miles)

Sun August 30 2009
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
SK aka Clive
Ashford and District RRC
1:24:00 45.68
MAXIMUS Tough and challenging steep decents off camber proper off road running. Not for the fainthearted. Great stuff!
Kent Police AC, Sittingbourne Striders, NSD Runners
1:23:00 1:21:00 43.65
mackfly I made is 8.52m.   12th
1:02:05 52.82
Ashgreeno69 the toughest course done yet more like army training ignore the time everyone who finished deserved that chocolate bar
1:20:44 41.39
Lincoln Wellington AC
ninjaman Bit of a guestimation of my time. mackfly took a minute out of me in the last mile and a half - showing how knackered I was/ or how better paced he was. Still a good test for the calves and they seem to have come throgh unscathed
Striders of Croydon AC
52:29 52:29 1:03:19 54.93

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