Perth parkrun #1

Sat November 30 2013
Listed by johnnyboy
Entrants (6)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Dvorak Good new addition to parkrun.  Not vastly scenic but ok, could be fast, kept the interest.  May be tough when it's wet and windy as quite exposed and over grass for a bit.  New Scottish inaugural record of 261!

Well done Perth parkrun team for getting it up and runing and good to see some Fetchies there.  Time is watch time (I just missed the actual start - official 27:07.  So I passed everyone who finished behind me ;-) )
24:16 24:20 26:04 55.60
Harmeny AC
20:41 21:45 21:46 67.65
Carnegie Harriers
19:50 20:27 21:28 69.72
Harmeny AC
20:46 23:42 24:35 62.41
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Inverness Harriers AAC
17:43 18:05 18:05 78.90
ElDuderino First Perth parkrun and a nice course they have too. Ok run from me, just not doing the miles to help challenge my PB.
24:53 24:53 26:53 48.10

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