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Oakhaven Hospice Easter 10k

Sun April 12 2009
Listed by Chich
Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
forest plodder Perfect cool, still weather. Wasn't sure what to expect having had calf problems, but it went really well.
Totton Running Club
53:39 57:46 57:00 55:23 63.69
hillstrider A very enjoyable race and the weather was ideal. A little on the cold side, but no noticeable wind. I was very pleased with my time which was better than expected, due to lack of training owing to a family bereavement.
Hardley Runners
35:52 51:14 49:00 48:26 68.90
Stubbington Green Runners
42:51 44:32 45:12 61.09
Hectors House
Stubbington Green Runners
43:28 44:31 45:47 67.87
hopdigidy France for a week on holiday. Pate paunch. Could do better.
41:53 44:23 48:00 45:12 59.47

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