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Nike January Run 5k

Sun January 29 2006
Listed by Max71
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
29:00 31:23 31:23 45.70
controversial My first 5 k! and it was very cold. Didn't really manage to get to my maximum though, heart rate was around 167 when it goes to 175 in a 10k!
Clapham Chasers
16:25 19:48 20:00 19:48 64.81
handbag Beautiful day for running after I got warmed up. Completely struggled - hadnt realised just how unfit I am!
29:29 29:29 29:29
Hills of Death (HOD) It won't be a fast one as I'll be playing a tough game of footie the day before.

I really like the Regents Park lap though it's fun round the zoo oh it bring back happy memories of the summer :)

Nice run after sum loonies trying to kick lumps out of me Saturday on footie pitch. Could of done 23mins  if I'd had a day off. Mike :1st Marker was 0.88k on the gamin and second 1.17k so your pacing might be fine. I did 3.51 1st K and 5.33 on second clearly not right. RUN London (repeat 657 times) god she was annoying.
Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners
21:01 23:45 24:00 24:10 53.98
Max71 I dont know the route, as I've not been to Regents park for years.  Hoping to get as close to 30 as possible.  Cant run this week though as I've got bronchitis.  

I managed a 32 on boxing day with no running for weeks before hand and drinking all Christmas day......but that was a completely flat surface....hmmm

Really pissed off with myself, crap time, only ran once this week, was out for a 30th birthday party till 2.30 in the morning, so what did I expect really.
25:07 28:17 30:00 33:52 41.73
26:50 26:50 26:59 52.87
21:23 22:12 22:24 58.24

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