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Neolithic Marathon

  • Rated 77%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
North Devon RR
2:58:50 3:45:42 3:45:42 54.57
Anna Finn
3:40:54 3:55:11 4:13:53 51.18
markuu 1st Marathon
Pewsey Vale RC
3:59:45 4:30:19 4:30:19 47.98
plodding hippo Neolithic Marathon Report

(With prior apologies to Roger Dodge for any misinterpretation and poetic licence)
Another week-another marathon-----------

Following a rather disappointing time  at the FLM-my next plan was to drag Roger Dodge around his first marathon.I havent been responsible for anyone in a marathon before-as my own pacing is notoriously unreliable,and unpredictable .The periods of extreme despair which regularly affect me during races was another factor which had to be taken into consideration-could I hold it together in order to support someone else through  ?
However-this was an off road marathon, and Rogers’s first-so maybe time didn’t matter
At the eleventh hour-we had an offer of company/pacing from Colin Watts
He had decided he needed a second long slow run that weekend, having done 25 miles only the day before.

Pre race preparation was again less than ideal
A night at the ma in laws-late supper and a tipsy ma in law meant I had more tipple than good for me.
Next morning, no time for breakfast-so munched a cereal bar, and tried not to worry that I had no isotonic drink with me.Tescos had run out, so my “fuel” was a packet of “Gummy Mix”

I was dropped at Stonehenge-and caught the coach to Avebury, spending a very pleasant 20 minutes chatting to a fellow marathoner about races.
We had about an hour to get nervous at Avebury-and I did my best not to be pysched out by all the marathoners who had done FLM like me-but were all talking in times begiining with 3----------------

Met up with Roger, K2 and Colin
We lined up at the back-and it was off

The first three miles was uncomfortable-as it always is-settling into the pace.The pretty flowers were making my nose run, and the underfoot terrain was hard on the feet.There was also a bit of a hill-so we employed run/walk
K2 left us early on-as her pace was slightly quicker than ours
I seemed to have enough breath to talk though, and so did Colin-who tried to persuade us to enter all the local races!
The marshals seemed nonplussed at seeing slower runners-and unfortunately kept commenting on our slow speed

By 4 miles my legs had unstuck, and I could start to enjoy the scenery
Colin provided us with a route commentary, added to by Rog-who had recced the first half previously.
Mile 6 brought the sight of some Old Spot pigs slumbering-and 500m further on, we were greeted by the bacon sandwich stall
Now I was envious of the walkers-I would have LOVED a butty!

We had begun to overtake the walkers now, who were incredibly encouraging.This brought out Roger’s competitive streak though-and he started 10 minute miling--------------

A disparaging marshal just before mile 8 offered us “well water”(which looked like lemon juice-or something else)-and informed us we were the slowest runners he had ever seen!!!!!!!!!

Roger seemd unfazed-and continued his regular pace
The scenery was beautiful-all worth the undulations.
After nearly getting run over by a bus, we hit the ascent to Rudhorn hill(the worst hill, the nemesis---)
Which we walked all the way up.
Roger has a decent walking speed which will stand him in good stead for future distance events
And it wasn’t that bad-we made it up in less than 17 minutes

And hit the open plain, and chalk track.Feet-ouch-ouch
Miles and miles of it.The sun came out and my heart sank
But it didn’t last long, and the blessed clouds returned.
Constantly ovetaken by cars throwing up the dust-really, I could have done with a gas mask.
At 13 miles, we revised our finish time to under 6.5 hours, and made the relevant phone calls.
Roger was starting to feel a little fatigued-and was revivied with agel.There were plenty of water stations, which was excellent.
The course comprised up and downhillls-and so we harnessed tihe power of gravity, jogging the down hills and walking uphills
We continued to overtake walkers
Rogers furthest distance was 16 miles-which I was looking forward to, since it meant we would have less than 10 miles to go
We sailed through 16 miles with no bother-but by 17 miles Rog had started to suffer cramps in his legs
Time to introduce the hippo ultra method-run between posts, or blobs on the road
Just before 18-Rog hit a low.I knew exactly how he felt-and we got some fuel down him

I was still waiting for my bad patch---Id eaten two slimy gummy sweets at mile 8 and mile 12-but was still ok-this isnt going to last is it?
At 20 miles, Rog got a second wind, and started joking with the walkers
Im afraid I had to stop him chatting at the checkpoints

Rog had taken on board the ultra mode-and led the pace-pointing oput landmarks we were to jog to before the next walk break.
Colin and I followed on.There was the odd stop for leg stretching, and Rog disciverd that jogging can actually help cramp!

Since mile 12, I had been craving a cup of tea
A gin at the Bustard Inn  would do
Mile 22-the Inn-FENCED OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More to the point-where was my bad patch?I was fine!!!!!!!!!!.Tired-yes.A bit achy-yes.But where is the classic hippo mental breakdown?
Jogging across the car park we smelt a BBQ-sigh-I was quite hungry.

The last 4 miles was a slog-but at least we had grassy bits to run on for some of it
Rog knew he was going to finish-but he was pushing himself through awful cramps and pain
We needed that sub 6.30
At mile 25, Rog had a terrible cramp, and looked as though he would stop
I knew he would finish whatever-but I could tell he wanted a 5 minute stop.
And I didn’t let him
Sorry Rog, for shouting at you to come on-but we did it, didn’t we!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanykou for letting me share your first marathon
Thankyou to Colin for being an oasis of calm, and providing me with backup
Thankyou to my body for doing this with very little fuss
Great day out Witlshire Wildlife Trust!!!!!!!!!!
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 5:09:22 6:24:59 34.84

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