MIDWEEK RACE LEAGUE RACE 2 (10k) - Hendon Coptall Stadium

Wed June 6 2007
Listed by Hills of Death (HOD)
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Billy Wow, No matter how hard I try I can't get under 40 for a 10k and then 2 days before my 40th I blast my PB. Over the Moon! struggled as ever with the last 3k but somehow managed to keep going. I definately sound like Darth Vader after a few k. woohoo!
Fairlands Valley Spartans RC
39:30 39:30 39:30 68.87
Vindicator Went off targeting at 6:45 min mile. Too fast to start but got it all sorted on a downhill stretch by the A1 and path through some woods. Worried about an uphill section at 2-3K that I knew would hurt on the second lap. Back in to the stadium and out on lap 2, and yes - the hill hid hurt as predicted. Reeled in a running club member who I have wanted to beat for a while - he was having a bad day though. I had already dropped someone who had beaten me by 20 secs or so in the last 2 10K's. Started to wind it up 1.5K out, but could not stretch out as much as I wanted due to a narrow path and a weaving runner. Took him on the stadium approach and really went for it on the sprint on the track, but could not get the guy in front. Very please with time!
Harlow RC
40:21 42:19 42:39 42:19 62.59
Hills of Death (HOD) I think it's 10k they have a habit of doing 9.1 ks and things like that I'm going for it if only to increase my points total. I'm in 80% shape so see how it goes. Quite a good race felt good PB by 14 secs spoke to Vindicator beforehand he was a bit worried about course. Course was fine only one hill relatively flat. 1st mile a bit quick 7.06 the rest around 7.15 with one at 7.25. I can get a 44/43 by end of season.
Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners
44:43 45:40 44:00 45:40 58.86

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