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Middlesex & Open 10k

Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
BigEvilC Last chance of a PB before the winter sets in on previous PB course UPDATE Did it! On course all the way for a PB , but 7-10k very hard but ung in there on quite warm day. Second time on this course, and another PB but some seriously good runners in this field but still manged to come in top 41%. Happy with  racing progress since last October when just complteing 10k was a big deal. Well organised event and nice flat course and results up same day
Kent AC
40:47 42:35 42:59 42:35 65.88
50:03 51:54 54:00 56:53 53.63
Dave Maher
43:47 43:47 44:31 60.38
JEJ Thanks for the confidence of those who bet on me!
Felt really tired from the first km, but held in there, through 5km in 16:10 (just to plan) but cruised the middle section.  I know there's another minute to come off that time, so perhaps 32:00 next time?
31:52 32:04 33:00 32:49 80.45
Lefromage Another run in Victoria park and a chance to again get close to my PB. Once again i blew it and went round this flat 3 loop course whichout pushing it to my limit (approx 80%). However a good run and great surroundings in this historical park.
VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Barking Road Runners
53:30 53:30 57:00 56:05 49.62
Little Nemo
Serpentine RC
58:28 1:02:22 1:07:03 44.58
MattTheRat PB course, doing it as a sharpener before Nottingham the week after. Going to try to go sub-39. *** UPDATE ** Really good race, lots of people at my pace or a bit faster made it feel quite comfortable. Very happy with almost a minute off my PB.
Victoria Park Harriers & Tower Hamlets AC
37:14 38:17 38:59 38:17 73.28
Peteb69 Nice race on a fast flat course, part of my club champenship and managed to get a PB by 50 sec's so very happy with that.
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
38:06 43:30 43:30 62.14
rangermouse1967 Great race well organised, friendly marshalls, and a nice flat course first sub 50 10k. Hard to feel disappointed with a PB but felt I struggled the last two kms. Would like to thank all the people who backed me it gave me a extra boost.
Mornington Chasers
46:07 48:47 49:00 49:12 54.94
Serpentine RC
58:43 58:43 1:06:12 39.94

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