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Mablethorpe Marathon

Listed by Biastai
  • Rated 80%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Dipper It was hot.  My car said the temperature was 28 degrees when I drove out of the car park at about 3pm.  It somehow seemed to be head wind for 3/4 of the way round (no wonder there is a wind farm there).  Also I made the mistake of assuming that there would be energy drinks available when there was only water (but sufficient water at least).

Next year i'll be taking my own energy drink, doing longer LSR's before hand, more mid-week mileage and setting off at a more steadt pace.  I will beat four hours.
3:27:23 4:25:59 4:00:00 4:25:59 45.30
100 Marathon Club, South London Harriers
3:10:24 3:26:00 3:48:00 53.20
plodding hippo Mablethorpe marathon –September 10th 2006

This just HAD to be done.A brand new marathon, in a place  where I had learned to to swim and gamble at the tender age of 7.I hadnt been back to Mabo since that sunny childhood holiday, and in fact I didn’t really know where it was!But something was calling to me, and so I entered this in preference to the  Robin Hood Marathon, which is actually closer to where I live.That was 13 months before the event was due to take place!
I started an events thread on RW, which was a quiet affair for the first 9 months until  the Mabo crew joined it!
Andy Sly
Ian Holmes
Fat Squirrel
Tiny White Van
Wicked D
On the Up
Thunder  Cat
Haggis 32
And the Stockport crew
Suddenly the thread came alive, and the race to get 5000 posts began

Lets get Mabo famous on the RW website!!!!!!!!!!.
Mission accomplished after much chatting, and a smidgeon of training talk by 9/09/06, two days pre race!

Okay-you want to know about the race itself


The place is a bit of a nightmare to get to.I travelled by train to Nottingham and Skegness, and then took the scenic number 9 bus to my hotel in Sandilands(over 5 hours travelling).There was time for a stroll along the seafront before heading off to the FREE pasta party in Mablethorpe itself.I was supposed to be meeting up with my partners in crime from the Mabo thread.We had shared quite a lot over the last few months, and I was looking forward to meeting them
As I queued for my pasta and salad, it occurred to me that I had absolutely NO idea what any of the other RW forumites looked like, having never met any of them in person before.I neednt have worried, before too long I was approached by Levi, and suddenly there was a table of us chatting and laughing.We had an address the Mayor, and a rousing speech from The RO-David Fenton, complete with a mention for RW, and a poem about never giving up.Quite appropriate!
The it was time to leave and rest before the morning.

I slept well-must have been the sea air
Unfortunately, my guts had not been quiescent for 3 days prior to race day-and id had to resort to Immodium on the Saturday.
I took a taxi down to register abiout 8.30.The taxi driver had run Boston Marathon,amongst others but for some reason was not keen on running today--------
After registration, there was plenty of time to sit around and get anxious.And time for toilet stops!!!!!!.Gradually, the RW crew arrived, and we chatted , mostly about the increasing heat, which was becoming a worry.The 10k and half were set off, and we even got to see the leaders of the 10k coming in before it was out turn to take up our spot on the start line at 11 am.
By now it was seriously hot.I think at this point quite a few of use revised our time goals.
And we were off.!!!!!
I started my race with On the Up, and the chap with the purple balloons!!!!!
We were pretty near the back, which was fine by me, but I did notice 3 chaps starting to walk within the first mile.They didn’t look as though this was a run walk plan-and I hoped they would be all right.
First mile in 10.30, and I was already too hot! This  was a suicidal pace, for me, and so I urged OUT to go on ahead.I caught up a lady who was runing her first marathon.She seemed to be 12 minute miling, and so I plodded along with her and encouraged her for a while.Mile3, and the first water station-complete with portaloo, and a very well manged road junction!To allow us to cross the road, a Police car had blocked the road as we approached.I felt like a VIP!!!!!!!!!
After 3 miles, I felt 12 min miling was a little slow for me, and so it was off on my own.We were running along quiet country roads flanked by recently  harvested conrnfields.Very picturesque.To my left, the turbines whizzed quietly,Every so often, the air was peppered with gun shot-I wasn’t sure where it was coming from.By now, I couldn’t see anyone in front of, or behind me.I settled down to run another marathon alone.I was 11.5 minute miling, and was hot, but feeling reasonable.Five miles brought another portaloo, a photographer-and—NO water!

My heart sank
But a mile further on was the village of Witham, where the locals came to the rescue .as I plodded into the village, a little boy ran up to me with a bottle of ice cold water.Lovely!
That was the first of a LOT of public support.I was running down country roads with the occasional farm.Yet people were clapping outside their houses.I was amazed that they would be bothering for one person running alone, away from the main marathon pack.I was steadily 11.5 minute miling still, a little slow, but I really wanted to get to 10 miles without walking.
Too bad my body had other ideas!
The other side of a slight incline, at 8.5 miles was a water station-and –joy of joys-a portaloo.With paper!!!!!!!.I disappeared into it as two local ladies applauded me.To be hones, I was surprised there was anything left.This unfortunately meant a stop and a walk break, and once I walk, then its run walk from then on.
That meant a 13 minute mile, and a couple of 12 minute miles, as I felt reasonable enough to be able to do quite prolonged running sections.I reached 10 miles in 1.57, slower than I wanted, but I realised that a pb was not really possible in the heat, which was really beginning to bother me.
My speed started to slow, despite the encouragement of the locals in the next village, who informed me that there were people ahead looking worse than me.!!!!!
And sure enough, a little further along, I caught up with a chap wearing a Hull vest.he was walking only, and clearly struggling in the heat.I could still run walk, but was flagging somewhat at 14 minute miling.Then, ahead of me I saw two chaps run walking.Most odd, it is unusual for me to overtake ANYONE during a marathon if they are still running.I started to feel rather anxious as it became clearf I was slowly gaining on them .Overtaking is physically and mentally stressful.First of all you have to time it so you can increase your running speed for long enough not to pull up short right in front of them-a matter of quite critical timing when run walking.then you have to try and keep ahead, or it bacomes a demoralising game of leapfrog, and you end up not running to your bodys needs.Finall-you have to TALK to them, and believe you me, there are times during a marathon when one doesn’t feel sociable.I hit half marathon point in 2.38-which says everything about the heat, and by mile 14 I had  no option but to launch into overtake mode.
Unfortunately, the chappies had aan overall speed pretty similar to mine, and we leapfrogged each other twice in the next mile.By Mile 15(2.57), my guts were telling me that I had less than 3 minutes before a dire accident.I slowed down to a walk, to let the two lads get well ahead of me, and then I had to “do a Paula” on a very open road.As a result of this, general lightheadedness, stomach cramps, and some demoralisation, that was my slowest mile-16.19.

I knew I was still on for sub 6, so all I could do was keep going with my run /walk.And then horror of horrors, I  began to catch up the two gentleman ahead of me again.As I drew close to them, I heard”my legs are bolloxed”!.That was impetus enough for a final push, and this time they didn’t catch me up again!
Around mile 18, I became aware of wet legs.My pouch of isotonic drink was punctured and leaking, and my jellybeans were melted and stuck together.So much for taking fuel en route!.
The water stations continued to pop up every 3 miles or so, each complete with smiling helpers and a Portaloo.There was also a supervising sweep motorcycle checking on us, and so I found out that everyone behind me was stiol going, and hadnt dropped out.That was nice to know!
At mile 20, Mr Balloon man was sitting down having a chat with the helpers.he was obviously making a real day out of it-he had been MILES in front of me.Id now been going for 4 hours and 12 minutes, and knew sub 5.30 was off the agenda, but hoped still for sub 5.45.
I didn’t see many public on this stretch through the farmalnds, but whoever I did see was amazingly supportive, shouting out of windows, cars, and once even offering jellybabies!
Mr Balloon man caught me up at mile 21, looking very sprightly, and we played leapfrog for a few yards before I slowed down to let him get ahead.I wanted to run my own race.
Turning out once more onto the main road, a light breeze sprang up, and I was able to run for longer.In the distance, I could see anither man run /walking.Oh no, not again!!!.By mile 22, Id overtakem him, then Mr Balloon man as we came into Sutton on Sea.
And then it was down onto the Promenade.
I must say, I found this part the hardest.Althought the public were brillaint in actually getting out of my way, they wanted interaction, and I really didn’t feel like smiling or replying to their encouraging comments.but the show must go on, and so there was a constant stream of banter
“not far now”
“thank bloody god”
“you can do it-keep going”
“my legs are falling off thankyou”

Fortunately there were lamp-posts to play the ultra run walk game with!
It was great to see Levi and mrs Levi cheering me on the Prom too
By far the worst was coming off the Prom
Not only did I have to run up an incline, but the chap I had overtaken was catching me up, and to add to the pressure, one of the marshals shouted “Runner coming through”, as I headed onto the main road for the final ¾ mile.That meant I COULDNT walk, and so it was that I posted a 12 minute mile.
That last 3./4 mile, along the main road and then twisitn gand turning down some little streets was psychologically difficult, but for me it always is at the end of marathons.it is good to know how long the finishing funnel is, or more accurately, how public the finish is, and how much I would have to run in one go.So-lots of little walking breaks to gear up for the “triumphant” final finishing plod.I had been expecting the 10k finish, and so was pleasantly surprised when the finiah suddenly appeared in front of me!

A smidgin under 5.50, but in that heat I cannot be too displeased with that.

This is a great marathon
Well marshalled, well signed, plenty of portaloos, fantastic goody bag and great public support
Immense thanks to David Fenton and his team
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 5:09:22 5:49:26 38.59
Caistor running club
3:08:59 4:35:37 4:35:37 43.72
Terry Vine
Vegetarian Cycling & AC
3:28:00 5:12:00 5:12:00 38.88
Durham City Harriers & AC
3:22:53 3:22:53 4:13:00 52.18
Wicked D my 1st full marathon on road
3:43:51 4:49:29 4:49:29 43.27
4:21:59 4:30:19 4:30:19 45.56

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