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Launceston Half-Marathon

Sun July 2 2006
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Crash Hamster Well Launceston is hilly (my Polar clocked 1160 ft of ascent) it was hot (89F) and I had a stinking cold. I enjoyed it, but I was rubbish...
Pirate Ship Of Fools
1:34:11 1:50:33 2:13:06 44.80
Iron Squishy Absolutely scorching!!! 1160 ft of ascent, very long slow hills, killing in the heat! Still having trouble with plantar fasciitis, but wasn't going to miss our 'honeymoon' race!! The sponge at mile 9 probably saved my life!! My worst half marathon time ever! Very glad to finish. Couldn't walk for 2 days afterwards (due to the race - NOT honeymoon!!!!)
Pirate Ship Of Fools
2:07:00 2:09:00 2:44:56 39.43
zingy Hot, Hilly and Hellish!
Plymouth City Walkers
1:29:38 1:29:38 1:41:00 57.84
paskha 39th Half ... Update - Race started 10:30am ....  HOW HOT / HUMID was that??? WOW - my PW Half-M time EVER - I didn't really enjoy it - and I was so looking forward to it.  But as always, meeting people when you're struggling always makes it worthwhile!!  It was rediculous.  First 3 miles went more or less to plan, 29 mins, then next 4 miles (the hard grind) were 6 mins adrift, the next 4 miles (fast miles!) were 10 mins out PLUS a 4 min stop (bum cramp!!)  I had to walk the last 2.1 as my HR was 170 WALKING and I was quite worried ..... another 13 mins out!!  but hey, I survived, but only just .... most other runners times were MUCH MUCH slower too .... Official time as above (they got me & Ann Foster the wrong way round) /// 
pre-race info .... Cornish GP race No.7 - Don't know if I'll be fit enough for the prediction - I've done this every year since 2001, and it's a toughie!  I astounded myself by going sub-2:10 in 2004 (2:06:55 I think) but I am fitter this year, so here's hoping.
Mounts Bay Harriers
1:55:14 1:59:26 2:04:40 2:37:36 48.40

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