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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Heritage Grand Prix #1 - Holme Pierrepont 10k

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
CC2 Speedy Goth
Notts AC, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Midland Masters A C
38:37 42:15 43:09 66.73
chemistry Not sure what to put here. Running my first ever night race and always find it harder after day at work, particularly this one with twighlight inset attached! so not a good bet.
54:56 54:56 54:56 53.33
37:26 39:21 42:13 63.11
Lethargic 1min 54 pb :)   Started slow and got into it, going past people for half the race, then final 4k with one guy holding on and manged to find a decent final 2k and drop him. Finished with a 3.07 final k. (5 secons slower on 2d half).
Long Eaton Running Club
32:13 33:23 34:00 33:23 79.81
35:10 37:00 37:53 69.69
rollerman Crap, absolutly crap, just did not do enough, got to get out of this attitude and work harder?
Long Eaton Running Club
43:45 49:30 49:30 57.59
SPKoF oh yes!

been targeting this one and got what I wanted. In my clubs 3rd team place (we usually get 3 out of the top 4 teams for fingers crossed) and the PB I was after.
Long Eaton Running Club
38:19 38:19 38:31 69.17
Super Kev I was aiming at 37.30, a little outside but not too disappointed. This race is more difficult than everyone thinks.
Buckingham & Stowe RC
37:38 38:32 38:37 68.47
Vickyy Struggled - tightness in left calf beforehand so backed off too much.  Bit windy on course and just lost concentration on the last two miles (long drags) - need to ensure stay focused throughout on flat courses.  On plus side, leg held out and I did my second consecutive sub 45 10k.  Target now - sub 43 at Jaggermeister!
Long Eaton Running Club
43:46 43:46 43:00 44:11 66.05
52:43 58:00 1:01:21 46.89

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