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Heanor 5

Listed by Pricey
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Boycie if i'm about i'll be doing it!!! Started steady (although went through 1m in 5.41 - think the marker might have been short) this course is hilly, with two big hill per loop and a couple more smaller undulations. Tried to take it easy, but hard to when there are team mates to stay ahead of. In the end the Harriers packed out the the top places - 5th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th - with 12th for me in 30.12 - 18 secs ahead of the cheeky racing snail - who was a BIG disappointment in the subsequent chunder mile!!!! ;)
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
28:20 28:55 30:12 69.81
charlie brown Not done this one before and seeing as I'm not very good on hills or in the heat, this was a challenge. Enjoyable though and thanks for the cheers of encouragement from those who had already finished when I was on the last hill!
46:00 46:00 50:00 47.82
DrDebs returning from injury - hilly course, day 16 of being layed off for a month with shin splints.....enjoyed it!!!!
Exeter Harriers
28:48 29:21 33:30 31:57 71.92
47:58 47:58 47:58 47.84
John-James 7:49 7:51 8:14 7:46 7:47
34:06 39:30 39:30 53.33
Racin Snail Railroaded into this one by La Boyce;-) If its as hilly as people keep saying then its gonna be fun:-)

Update...cant say fairer than that:-)
Hermitage Harriers RC
29:29 29:29 30:30 30:30 69.60
Tim Wilson
39:21 39:21 42:25 52.62
Trehis 29th place in a race I was only expecting to run a couple of minutes slower on due to the fast training run the day before it.
31:19 31:19 32:51 70.13

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