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Gouden 10 KM

Wed August 15 2007
Listed by Keefy Beefy
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
swift8 Actual time was 41 dead but Garmin measured course 350m short (as did other Garmins and double checked with MotionBased too), so I've extrapolated the time based on the training log 10km pediction......

Can't these Belgians ever measure a race right?
Great Western Runners, SWIFT Running Club
40:44 40:51 42:33 62.25
Keefy Beefy Good result. Used the Virtual Partner to start out at 4:12 pace and picked it up really well in the last 4 kms. Course was flat as a pancake but quite windy in places. Did it off 4 consecutive days of running so well pleased with that.
39:36 41:18 42:00 41:18 63.92

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