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Fruit Bowl 7 Trail Race - Gibside

Sun November 2 2008
Listed by Screeners
Entrants (13)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ands Changed from 7 to 6.2m (with bigger hill) due to rain damange on course.
Blaydon Harriers & AC
45:20 48:31 53:44 56.78
Bunny Phobia Felt very tired, so decided not to wreck myself. Was a fantastic, challenging course and met a lovely lady on the way round who warned me about the upcoming hills - thank you to her!
Low Fell RC
41:38 42:38 47:57 59.99
eroej5 Due to ITBS injury couldnt do anything other than plod up and down the hills, running the very rare flat parts much faster. Really hope that this signals the end of the ITBS problem - and I can get down to some serions training.
41:52 47:15 47:15 56.20
42:50 44:42 49:57 58.06
Heelandcoo Well...I am not too sure about this considering I am not running much at the moment but I will give it a go!
Claremont Road Runners
42:33 46:30 1:00:00 56:00 51.37
jazz Tough course, lots of hills but also lots of downhills. Felt quite strong and feel had a decent race, probably the best I have ran for a while. Hip not too sore during the race but could feel it more towards the end. Actual race distance this year - 6.2 miles
Tynedale Harriers & AC
38:49 41:59 45:36 63.78
Sedgefield Harriers
39:43 40:40 44:07 62.10
North East Marathon Club
40:13 46:08 49:00:00 47:28:00 0.94
Narrow Feet
39:04 42:38 42:38 63.05
northernrunner the course was shorter than last year due to wet and muddy parts of the course so it ended up being a 10k. the first 2 mile were the same then it was all change till the finish straight. very few flat bits and a new quite hard hill but enjoyed it and finished 6th
Blackhill Bounders
34:22 35:25 45:00 38:35 68.65
North Shields Polytechnic AC
44:44 44:44 48:36 55.62
Blackhill Bounders
39:57 40:50 44:51 64.50
Screeners They shortned the course by 0.8 of a mile this year so it was a 6.2 mile race but they added more hills so in terms of effort, I think it was harder.    Struggled but got round.  Sick of hills now.
Elswick Harriers
56:42 58:35 1:04:24 45.69

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