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fetch 1 mile challenge

Thu December 27 2007
Listed by runnerbean
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
runnerbean wasn't sure i was up to this but a challenge is a challenge, so off i set, parked up and saw the opposition-Paula Radders there in her racing shoes and go-faster tights.I lined up at the chalk start line and eyeballed her out, just like boxers do, 'twas hard as she is about a foot taller than me in her high heeled trainers.We waited for the gun..er whistle which Noah blew really loud and we were off.I set off at a rather fast pace hoping she would think i was Wami and just know she was beaten but no, she insisted on running just behind me,out of the wind i was creating with my speed, i got to 400mand the lungs were beginning to feel like i'd smoked 3 king edward cigars on the trot befiore i ran but i dug deep, she would be allowed to get level with me.I could feel her breath on my shoulder and her panting in my ear, oh she was struggling i could sense it.Reached 1000m and the lactic acid put in it's first appearance but being strong i shrugged it off and tried to think of something lovely like lying on the pavement but the image never came.My lungs were now threatening to flop onto the road but knowing i was nearing the finish and a gold medal i dug deeper still, my legs were screaming at me-we're gonna get ya,we're gonna get ya but NO i was strong and then i saw her draw level along  side me in perfect pose form, light and fast, hardly panting, i put my head down and gave one almighty effort towards the finish line and Noah waving his home-made flag, i crossed the line and fell onto the pavement,huffing and puffing and trying desperately hard to keep hold of my lunch and lungs.I couldn't stand just yet but within a minute i was up and looking round.Where was she? had she carried on running? then i realised she had disappeared back into the small box of my imagination until  next time i need her.The chllenge was over.......for now
6:23 6:23 7:00 6:23 67.43

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