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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Dry Hill 10

Listed by Maclennane
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Maclennane Official time, watch time was about 20s less. Really really tough course. Took it far too easy over the first mile, came in at 9:28, aiming at 9:00 so speeded up a bit. Found myself shadowing a woan who looked a bit like Rosa Mota so figured she must know what she was doing, but got bored after a while so overtook. The hills were just huge and I'm still poor enough at pacing not to knw how to adjust for them. Mile after mile I was bang on 9mm, until some savage gradients put me a minute or two behind. Coming back I was making the time up, but downhills that weren't there on the way out became huge uphils on the way home. Kept wanting to stop, but kept reminding myself that I feel like that at Bushy Park, so forced through to the end. Rosa Mota came past me about a mile from home. bugger, should have stuck to following her, and probably 6-8 people overtook me in the closing stages. Absolutely bushed at the finishing line, it was a good 5 mins before I could eat ay cake! Fetchers take note. This is a fabulous race, and the cake is plentiful and fantastico!
Overton Harriers & AC, R2D2 Hash House Harriers, Whitchurch Hampshire Adventure Race
1:16:35 1:30:08 1:30:08 47.98
Rapid Snail
1:13:55 1:13:55 1:19:55 54.55

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