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Connemara Marathon

Listed by Hills of Death (HOD)
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
BS Over the moon with the result, new PB :-)
St. Peter's
2:59:18 3:05:46 3:14:59 3:09:11 64.83
2:57:35 3:00:26 3:10:26 63.83
Hills of Death (HOD) Maybe even slower as this is going to be a training run for London what's that headcase yes. Beautiful scenery .
Did 4.18 today at Connermara was taking it steady can't believe I did a neg split ! Ran first half with Plodding Hippo then just pushed on had some calf/knee probs so stretching every couple of miles. Apart from that legs feel fresh :-). Lovely scenery too those hilly well F*** me they were tough very tough. Not a PB course prob add 20-30 mins onto a Marathon time. Shows that I'm on course. It is NOT an ordinary marathon.  Saw Kazza, Bosun Tony doing Ultra (tough one that) and Shades.
Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners
3:38:50 3:40:36 4:30:00 4:18:10 47.95
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!!
100 Marathon Club
4:06:30 4:52:36 4:55:05 48.32
plodding hippo
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 4:16:46 5:09:19 45.29
Haggis 2 yep sub 3:40 thats what i want...

and i will be traing proberly for this one. i am so sorry to all betters, sue me but i ran with my OH in the end Little whippet and so i didnt even attempt a PB i am so sorry to all of you...but i couldnt let her suffer alone could i....cheers. 

so sorry...in the end due to loving my OH i was not a sure bet....i highly recommend this route though it is stunning.
3:50:11 5:17:14 3:39:59 5:17:14 39.52
Maverick Runners
4:24:02 4:37:13 5:21:44 48.13

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