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Colwick Park Heritage Grand Prix 5M

Thu July 5 2007
Listed by SPKoF
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Chockaholic Pleased with run felt tired though after the previous 3 races in series plus the fact i ran 11 miles the night before.
Long Eaton Running Club
30:19 30:32 30:32 71.98
Lincsfella another cross country/ trail gizmo. but great fun, a bit wet tho, needed wellies really. tired towards the end but rather pleased with myself. but well done holme pierre point people, i had a great time and will be back next year.
31:57 32:56 33:48 64.13
Princess Purple Bubbles well it was very wet, multi-terrain, a little undulating, lots of big muddie puddles and i actually thoroughly enjoyed but think my current 2110s have probably done their last race.....they have been showered off gently, and are now stuffed with newspaper to dry! OFFICIAL RESULT NOW OBTAINED 56:08 :o)
56:08 56:08 1:00:00 56:08 40.85
Barrow Runners
35:07 37:09
Long Eaton Running Club
35:56 38:01 40:56 55.39
ross52477 Simply the worst conditions - was this a summer or winter race - very muddy and wet.  I did a PB even though I had to stop 3 times to do my laces up an even managed to cross the line with one still undone!  A great race series though.
Barrow Runners
33:26 35:48 36:30 35:51 58.76
SPKoF Well my calf ripping effort of 8 races in 10 days comes to an end with a new 5 mile PB. 

I didn't think I'd even start today after the fall yesterday but some bl**dy strong gel rubbed into my groin killed the pain. The knowledge that others were relying on me as I was part of Long Eaton 'C' which was in with a shout of 3rd team prize was a very strong motivator.

So glad thats over. A day off now before the proper training starts.
Long Eaton Running Club
29:52 31:53 31:53 66.58
Tricky Tree
30:12 30:51 30:51 74.67

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