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Cliffe Woods 10K

Listed by Alun
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alun This was the first 10K I ever entered in 2003, nice and friendly with a pretty fast, even course.

Race No 3, guess I got in there rather quickly!

Sorry everyone, very hot and only 42:29 at the end, although its stil my course record.

Did get to watch my 4 yr old and 7 yr old in the 2 mile fun run, they absolutely loved it.
Medway & Maidstone AC
37:04 40:24 42:00 42:29 65.51
Ginger N Hot and undulating, paced it fairly well by not going out too hard but this probably cost me time as ave heart rate was lower than last 10k pb
Beckenham RC
36:05 36:15 38:00 38:39 68.33
Nelly F This is my watch time. Very hot race starting at 11am. Tired due to week off work spent putting down decking so quads were aching about 4km in. Ran from 6km with a girl from Larkfield AC and passed lots of people on the way in. Only  people went past in the last 5km and both in the final 400 metres.
44:52 45:59 47:00 47:06 56.05
redordead 48/446. A bit too hot for a PB. First half 20:12, second half slipped away...
40:47 41:44 42:33 62.87
Robinp This was the time from my watch but official times from the race may be slighty different, Still waiting for them to publish the results - This is now my official time. Must be a first, my watch and there time in sync.
43:58 45:07 46:20 46:18 57.21
100 Marathon Club, Swanley & District AC
39:52 42:47 45:00 42:47 63.18
Dartford Road Runners
49:10 55:01 59:38 50.44

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